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Update an existing lead in Noojee Contact.


As the UpdateLeadFast end point allows you to set a disposition, a lead may in fact never by dialed as you can close a lead out using the appropriate disposition.

The endpoint UpdateLeadFast replaces the original UpdateLead method. The new endpoint takes the same arguments but has enhanced error codes and as the name implies is faster than the original UpdateLead endpoint.

Performance considerations


If you exceed the above rates, the system will queue additional requests. This may result in your call to the endpoint timing out (currently timeout is 1 minute). If your call to the InsertLead endpoint times out, then the lead will not be updated and you will need to retry the update.


njExternalLeadIdUsed to identify the lead to be updated.Yes

Disposition code. Any Dispositon Actions associated with the new Disposition (via the value in njDispositon) WILL be triggered .

If you don't want to update the existing disposition you may pass the value '<No Change>' instead of a disposition value. Note: THIS WILL FAIL if the lead has not been dialed (and therefore does not have a disposition). In this case you will get the error: DISPOSTION_ISNT_SET_AND_NOCHANGE_SPECIFIED. You must call updateLeadFast again specifying an actual disposition.


The date on which the lead is to be called. If not specified the lead is treated as a 'new' lead and will be called on a first come first served basis.

Format is "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"

njPriorityA priority between 0 and 100. The lower the number the higher the priority. Higher priority leads will be called before lower priority calls. Default priority is 10.No
Phone Number

Whilst not a system field, you MUST specify at least on of the phone fields. However if you don't want to change the existing field value you can simply pass the value '<No Change>' as the value for any phone field. Note: the angle brackets '<>' are required.


Sample queryCurl Example:

Code Block
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST  -d '{"Name":"Jane Smith","StreetAddress":"Suite 8/10 Hoddle St", "City": "Abbotsford"
, "State":"Vic", "PostCode":"3064", "FirstPhone":"0383218199", "SecondPhone":"<No Change>"
, "njDisposition":"Sale"}'  '
&fAllocationId=38&njExternalLeadId=9856& apiKey=f863246a-973e-11e6-8784-08002718f5b5'
