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The Noojee API provides two methods for authentication. To find you current version of Noojee Administrator click on the Noojee logo in the top right hand corner.

01.1 Authentication - API key method for Noojee Administrator version and later.

For newer versions of Noojee Administrator the simpler API key method should be used for authentication.

01.2 Authentication - Hash method for Noojee Administrator pre version

Older versions of Noojee Administrator support the Hash method only. Please note: the Hash Method will still work when you are upgraded to newer versionsAuthentication is based on a pre-shared api key which can be obtained by contacting Noojee Support.

Noojee provides two sorts of API Keys.

Global API Key

The global API Key (stored as a system variable) allows full access to all API's and any data available via those APIs.

Care should be given to who has access to this key as they can access data which highly sensitive and likely to breach privacy legislation if misused.

If you hold data for multiple clients you should NEVER provide this key to any of those clients as they will be able to access all client data. Instead use a User API Key.

Contact Noojee Support for a copy of your Global API Key.

User API Key

A user API Key is associated with an Account in Noojee Contact.

A user API Key has access to each of the Campaign related API endpoints however their visibility to that data will be limited to the Campaigns that user has access to.

A user API Key does not have access to non Campaign related API endpoints (e.g. subscribe).

To restrict a User API Key to specific Campaigns you need to create a Team (via Accounts | Team Management).

This will give the user access to any Campaigns that belong to that Campaign Template but no others.

To create a User API Key navigate to Users | Accounts.

Switch to 'Advanced' mode (by clicking the green 'Advanced' button, if it says 'Basic' then you are already in Advanced mode).

Select the 'Security' tab and click the 'Create API Key'.

Send the API Key to the user via a secure channel (google docs works well).

Add the user to the Outbound Agent' group.

Create a Team via the Team Management page and add the user to the Team (as an Agent) .

Set the 'Team' in the Campaign Template (Details tab).

A user can belong to multiple Teams and as such get access to multiple Campaign Templates.

Note: all communication MUST by via HTTPS.

The Noojee API will only accept requests from whitelisted IP addresses. Please contact Noojee support to have your IP added to the whitelist.

Submitting a method

Every call to the Noojee API must include the api key.

an example call to stop recording would look like this


https://<server host>/servicemanager/rest/CallManagementAPI/stop?extenOrUniqueId=410&apiKey=f863246a-973e-11e6-8784-08002718f5b5

It should further be noted that the API will only accept POST requests.