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At any point in time you can download a complete list of all leads process  so processed  so far by logging into the Lead Cleansing Service then select

Cleanser | Batch Summary.

You should then be presented with a report which displays all which you have submitted.

To download a set of leads processed so far simply click on the Name field for the desired

Image Added

Click the 'Download' button to download a the list of phone numbers in the batch.

Batch Completion

You will recieve receive a final email once all numbers have been completed.

You can download the completed list of leads by logging into the Lead Cleansing Service then select

Cleanser | Batch Summary.

You should then be presented with a report which displays all the batches that you have submitted.

To download a set of leads processed so far simply click on the Name field for the desired batch.

Image Removed

To download the batch simply click on the 'Name' column for the desired batch and all leads processed so far will be downloaded to a CSV file.

as above.


BatchUnique batch identifier you entered when uploading the batch.
Date the batch was submitted for processing.
AccountYour account name
ImportedThe no. of phone no.  imported.
NameName of the batch that you entered when uploading the batch.
AcceptedThe number of
for cleansing.Untested
phone no.  that were accepted for processing. No.s that don't appear to be valid phone numbers will be rejected.
ConnectedThe number of
leads which have not yet been tested.Retry Pending
'tested' phone no.  which have been identified as still being in use.
DisconnectedThe number of
'tested' phone no. which have been
tested at least once for which the response was ambiguos. These leads have been queued for re-testing.ReportedThe date on which the batch was reported as being completed including retries
identified as disconnected.
IndeterminateThe number of 'tested' phone no.  that the system couldn't clearly identify as connected or disconnected.
RetryThe number of phone no.s that the system has scheduled to be retried as the first test was indeterminate.
RemainingThe number of phone no.  that are yet to be tested.
FinishedThe date and time that the batch was completed.
BatchThe uniqiue batch no.
CIDinternal id.
StatusThe current status of the batch.
PausdBy clicking the checkbox for a batch it will be paused and no further leads will be tested until it is unpaused.
DownloadClick the download button to download a this of phone no.s.