Clicking the 'Play' button will playback the recording associated with this call (if recording was enabled).
Click the 'Score' button to rate a recorded call.
Scoring allows you to perform quality assurance on recorded calls made by your team.
An Administrator, Campaign Team Leader or QA member can score each call.
Use the 'Advanced' filter with the Call Editor to filter by Agent, Disposition, Campaign, Date Range and other attributes of a call.
The 'Score' in the 'Advanced' filter is a threshold. When set only calls with a score equal to or below the selected value will be shown. This lets you focus on low ranked calls.
When you Score a call each agent can see the scores associated with each of their own calls.
The score is in the range 1-5 where 5 is a great score.
The score is indicated in the Call Editor list by a colour coded 'battery' icon.
When scoring a call you can optionally add notes to the score.
If you tick the 'Show Agent' check box when scoring the agent will be able to read any notes you left on the score.
If the 'Show Agent' checkbox isn't checked then the agent will only be able to see the score. Other administrators will be able to read the notes in either case.
You can report on Agent Scores by running the 'Agent Score Report' from the Report dashboard.
Clicking the 'Zoom' button will enlarge the 'View' area of the page. This is handy when editing with a large Screen Layoug via the Agent View.
You should be cautious of Disposition Actions firing if they send out emails to customers or third parties.
Start - for calls that are answered this represents the date/time the call connected (answered). For call that are not answered this represents the date/time that the no. was dialed.
End - when the call ended (was hungup by either party)
Created - the date/time the call record was created.
When - the time the lead was dialed or in cases where the call record exists as the result of a user editing a call, the date/time the record was created.