Noojee Contact 6.5
- [NA-4161] - Update for routes v2
- [NA-4690] - Add Disposition Filter to Campaign Summary report
- [NA-4905] - Scroll bar required in dashboard when there are several dashlets outside of screen
- [NA-5032] - SMS Disposition Action
- [NA-5037] - Add ability to exclude future days in contact hours
- [NA-5066] - Call Monitor needs a search feature
- [NA-5067] - Call Monitor refresh causes scrolling.
- [NA-5071] - team management - need to be able to search when adding members to a team.
- [NA-5081] - Queue analysis screen - neesds to be scrollable or smaller
- [NA-5084] - Call Editor needs to show call direction.
- [NA-5085] - Call Editor: change duration to display in HH:mm:ss
- [NA-5087] - Call scheduler should take into account business hours
- [NA-5096] - API - update doesn't check the DNC list
- [NA-5116] - Dashboard: add a method to monitor trunks
- [NA-5574] - Limit characters for Area code in offices
- [NA-6186] - Harden connections coming over VPN
- [NA-6463] - Active Directory
- [NA-6465] - Voicemail action should allow to route to voicemail box attached to account.
- [NA-6468] - allow sort order of dispositions for display in agent's contact hub
- [NA-6478] - Better naming of copied dashboards.
- [NA-7006] - Campaign export not logged in audit log
- [NA-7045] - MOHLayout - Add play button
- [NA-7257] - Playlists - Need a delete function
- [NA-7339] - Improvements to the Copy Dashboard dialog
- [NA-7370] - Add a "hide help" button the the help screen
- [NA-7468] - Add "last used" or "last login" to Accounts page
- [NA-7549] - Wrap time on queue screen not applicable for contact hub
- [NA-7556] - Need to provide general users with listen/record to their voicemail greeting
- [NA-7570] - Contact hour group should be shown in call editor under lead details
- [NA-7634] - Limit list of allocations that can be selected on multi tenant system for close lead function
- [NA-7670] - Changes to csv layout of Campaign Agent Activity Report
- [NA-7685] - Campaign Team Leaders can't see leads with disp. Multi Dial Abort
- [NA-7696] - Unable to determine which extension and agent answered the call from a queue in routes2 debugger.
- [NA-7702] - Ability to login without extension for managers
- [NA-7727] - Improved Voicemail Route Step
- [NA-7733] - Change Route Step Gosub to 'Basic'
- [NA-7734] - Route Target selection - make all columns searchable
- [NA-7735] - Apply search filter when changing from Basic to Advanced in Route Step
- [NA-7736] - Show which handset answered from a queue in route2 debugger
- [NA-7756] - Lead injection API - force single threaded.
- [NA-7758] - Call Editor - make the lead id a default field
- [NA-7761] - Contact Hub removes Noojee Vision users from their queues
- [NA-7774] - Allow leads to be unclosed when updated in call editor to a call back type disposition
New Feature
- [NA-5040] - Lead Actions that can be scheduled to update leads
- [NA-5079] - Report to list skills for each agent.
- [NA-5931] - implement ring strategies
- [NA-5932] - create queue core
- [NA-6691] - Add Extended Wrap and Preview to Dashboard data sources
- [NA-6692] - Dashboard - ability to report on pause codes
- [NA-6874] - new landing page with charts and launch buttons
- [NA-6993] - Ability to pause allocations in the Campaigns screen
- [NA-7024] - Extended disposition list in Contact Hub to fill available space
- [NA-7072] - Add dashlet to show which virtual allocations agents are working on
- [NA-7371] - Add "duration" to displayable fields in Campaign Call Editor
- [NA-7394] - Allow searching for undialled lead from call editor so they can be manually dialled
- [NA-7535] - Provide a way to upload a list of numbers into exiting Private DNC List
- [NA-5054] - SMS Action Dispostion rejecting some messages due to %
- [NA-5614] - dont record fully external calls caused by attended transfer from a handset
- [NA-6146] - hot key dialer may be broken by removal of routes v1
- [NA-6148] - reports possibly broken by removing routes v1
- [NA-6431] - queue features to test
- [NA-6502] - need to re-instate ast db sync for the trunk family, it's used for 000
- [NA-6679] - add check box to "exit opion number" on IVR to "return to parent"
- [NA-6696] - remove TEMPLATE from ScheduleTypeEnum
- [NA-6901] - Recordings using the API stop/start method can get wrong uniqueID
- [NA-6984] - Queue Status missing after extension steal.
- [NA-6990] - Playing EIC message in inbound puts agent in wrap.
- [NA-7007] - Bulk import of accounts not adding to global team
- [NA-7041] - Unanswered Calls report - inconsistent data
- [NA-7042] - Stacktrace: 1830469507 Company Rockin Direct Version:
- [NA-7047] - NPE - when exiting contact hub
- [NA-7048] - Contact hub Button bar not refreshing properly
- [NA-7049] - Changing agents skills does not always take effect
- [NA-7052] - Stacktrace: 4236735368 Company Comm Direct Version:
- [NA-7062] - Queues - Least Recent
- [NA-7066] - Route - Set CallerID (Name/Brand) not displaying on handset
- [NA-7067] - Ring all queue - contact hub data not removed if other agent answers
- [NA-7069] - Round robin - not going to all phones
- [NA-7073] - NPE - Trunk message in logs
- [NA-7075] - ring all race condition
- [NA-7079] - Stacktrace: 3761700692 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7080] - FileNotFoundException when uploading files to a playlist
- [NA-7254] - Playlists - Changing order of recordings does nothing
- [NA-7256] - Playlists - overwriting file adds new file
- [NA-7261] - Agent seems to long into wrong "state".
- [NA-7263] - Stacktrace: 1949821148 Company Just Wines Version:
- [NA-7265] - Queue Behaviour - Priority
- [NA-7280] - NPE during import
- [NA-7310] - store bmm and moh audio in db and sync to file system at startup
- [NA-7311] - move voicemail to db
- [NA-7333] - Queue - agent not receiving calls after transfer.
- [NA-7355] - Queued call priority issue.
- [NA-7358] - Agent left in extended wrap at end of call.
- [NA-7361] - prevent entry of invalid foreign extensions
- [NA-7368] - make tomcat run db upgrade scripts
- [NA-7369] - mods for db upgrade and backup to observe the host name
- [NA-7380] - Inbound Queue Details and Queue Route Details reports broken
- [NA-7381] - Campaign Template - Voicemail route not working
- [NA-7382] - New Agent Status dashboard - only one agent
- [NA-7383] - NPE - clicking back button in export precess
- [NA-7384] - NPE when playing around in Queue - messages screen
- [NA-7385] - Playlists - Shuffle doesn't seem to work
- [NA-7388] - Dashboard Copy - fails to copy spreadsheet.
- [NA-7452] - MySQLSyntaxErrorException when adding voicemail route to template
- [NA-7453] - prompt user for voicemail box
- [NA-7532] - Call Editor - Callback Date
- [NA-7533] - Email template issue
- [NA-7534] - Private DNC Upload - allows duplicate names
- [NA-7536] - CampaignAllocations crud screen retains filter
- [NA-7541] - Unknown column 'EXTENDEDDISPOSITION' in 'field list'
- [NA-7542] - Hot Key Dialer - Couldn't find layout id undefined
- [NA-7543] - Hotkey Dialer Screen - shows object name for allocation
- [NA-7544] - hotkey dialler showing negative number for "No Answer"
- [NA-7545] - Hotkey dialler doesn't always correctly identify call answered.
- [NA-7546] - UI issues after using the hotkey dialler
- [NA-7547] - Inbound call stays connected when hung-up by agent's handset.
- [NA-7548] - Inbound calls to queue showing up as "On call (Out)" in noojee vision.
- [NA-7550] - Changing Queue or timeout is not reflected in the comment
- [NA-7551] - Agent not removed from queue properly.
- [NA-7553] - Stacktrace: 422107914 Company J & C Advertising Version:
- [NA-7554] - Voicemail Layout For Agents - Ring back using dial button fails
- [NA-7555] - Getting into voicemail using *3 not working
- [NA-7557] - When creating a new hot-key dialler, should clear out stats for the previous one.
- [NA-7560] - Agent in extended wrap after leaving contact hub
- [NA-7561] - Voicemail provision - refresh after save
- [NA-7564] - Internal call falls through to voicemail
- [NA-7565] - Route Campaigner Agent Dial-in has no steps
- [NA-7566] - Voicemail issues
- [NA-7567] - change dispositions so as to not reset no-answer count
- [NA-7568] - transfer with hangup lead to agent on phone ready for next call
- [NA-7569] - failed transfer due to non Quiescent - channels stayed up
- [NA-7574] - Phantom call stuck in queue
- [NA-7575] - Noojee Vision - Wrap dialog not appearing
- [NA-7577] - BMM's broken
- [NA-7585] - Voicemail Config - Misleading error message when attempt to play back empty greeting
- [NA-7586] - Voicemail Configuration - Error when recording message.
- [NA-7587] - Attended transfer to queue - message box blank
- [NA-7589] - Lock Exception occurs when doing transfers.
- [NA-7590] - Attended Transfer via queue issue
- [NA-7602] - Contacts page - Click extension uses wrong CLI
- [NA-7605] - API Dial - Calls to external number fails
- [NA-7606] - Manual call between two handsets using External CallerID set on originating handset.
- [NA-7607] - API dial between handsets - CallerID Name wrong
- [NA-7608] - CLID borked when falling back to routes v1 from routes v2
- [NA-7609] - Timeout Exception
- [NA-7610] - contention logging a user out of their queues
- [NA-7611] - Put 40 calls into Robtest at the same time. Thread Pool Warning
- [NA-7614] - MySQLTransactionRollbackException under load
- [NA-7615] - changed commit (Save) in base crud
- [NA-7619] - Route to queue from handset. Strange step number in recordings.
- [NA-7620] - Route Step Group Ring - allows spaces between commas.
- [NA-7622] - Contact Hub: Extended Wrap mis-reported when 'Redial' used on back of inbound call
- [NA-7623] - Is the Queue Agents Report working for 6.5
- [NA-7625] - *8 not working for queued calls
- [NA-7626] - NPE to do with queues
- [NA-7628] - Transfer To queue issue
- [NA-7632] - at the end of an inbound call in blended contact hub user status remains "extended wrap"
- [NA-7633] - login and logout of agents affecting other agents queue login state
- [NA-7644] - things to check
- [NA-7659] - queuelayout preview doesn't update after save - you have to change records
- [NA-7660] - when queues are in a partial state , the pause/resume buttons don't work in noojee vision
- [NA-7662] - when in partial state can't stop an agent from dashboard
- [NA-7663] - in partial state paused from dash board, had to stop each individual queue before starting or stopping
- [NA-7664] - can't stop/pause? due to deleted queue
- [NA-7665] - can't log off paused agent?
- [NA-7666] - put 10 calls in to queue, hang all up. they remain in UIQueue for 1 minute after
- [NA-7667] - breakage when deleting a queue
- [NA-7668] - agent in contact hub gets no wrap period after a transfer
- [NA-7676] - add validator for unique trunk names
- [NA-7681] - make terminateOldDuplicatePusher work
- [NA-7686] - Multitenant system campaign manager needs to be able to edit overdial leads that don't have ownership
- [NA-7688] - removing skill from agent didn't remove it from the queue
- [NA-7690] - Stacktrace: 1312554352 Company Calltime Version:
- [NA-7697] - day of week field reports as dirty with multiple route schedules in a single route
- [NA-7709] - Stacktrace: 3677878036 Company Mr Duct Cleaning Version:
- [NA-7710] - Stacktrace: 3203254012 Company Mr Duct Cleaning Version:
- [NA-7715] - Stacktrace: 3620117305 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7718] - QA members don't see teams agents in recording advanced tab
- [NA-7720] - Log Step doesn't show help.
- [NA-7724] - Stacktrace: 1536477316 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7726] - Stacktrace: 597043591 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7741] - Route step doesn't display help.
- [NA-7742] - handle DND setting for phones in queues
- [NA-7743] - lost answered added incorrectly
- [NA-7755] - API - can't change contact hours on a lead if it hasn't been dialed.
- [NA-7764] - Changing account skill doesn't update agent membership threshold.
- [NA-7765] - Allow API to 'close' a lead via the njLeadId.
- [NA-7783] - routesv2 has no way to alert phone about voicemails
- [NA-7789] - allow jasper reports cross tabs to expand fully in CSV export
- [NA-7792] - Agent Allocation Category report
- [NA-7793] - include all dispositions in each section of campaign agent activity report
- [NA-7794] - fix for NPE in dialer
- [NA-7798] - hangup after dialer call to client when agent hangs up by handset
- [NA-7799] - queues: kill AGI for agents that didn't connect
Noojee Contact 6.1
- [NA-4732] - Add ring moh to node_create script
- [NA-5109] - apply new icons
- [NA-6462] - Add QA users to Team.
- [NA-6464] - Dial API
- [NA-6476] - Add more functionality to IVR action script
- [NA-6751] - Campaign Import - via API
- [NA-6850] - Change now line to a different colour in Roster Screen
- [NA-6852] - Stop ability to change Disposition Set once dialling has started
- [NA-6941] - ( - Error: 1529392615.3531 The Source variable clid was not found.
- [NA-7319] - add "event" "owner" and "editor" fields in Campaign Export
- [NA-7374] - Administrators cannot access Routes V2
- [NA-7375] - Move parking in routes v2 to 7000
- [NA-7378] - Remove "Client" option in Private DNC Upload
- [NA-7386] - *3 route needs to have "Use Caller ID" field clear
- [NA-7387] - Update Voice Mail Management "Use Caller ID" to be a droplist
- [NA-7454] - Dial action script needs to handle situation where it is unable to find a suitable trunk more gracefully
New Feature
- [NA-2881] - Team Management: Allow multiple team leaders for each team.
- [NA-6651] - Client able to see Audit search for all users on Multi Tenant system
- [NA-7035] - Change dialer type in control panel - add individual pool
- [NA-7038] - Have the ‘missed call’ status time out after a while – and revert to ‘available’ in Agent Routes dashlet
- [NA-4748] - Pie chart not working for Allocation Dispositions
- [NA-6395] - Stacktrace: 1318203804 Company Agent Mail Version:
- [NA-6459] - add table to track calls initiated via API
- [NA-6485] - Contact Hub validation issues
- [NA-6704] - onConnect and onPreview called twice on inbound call and not called when explicitly creating a new record
- [NA-6759] - Email action is not splitting multiple 'To' addresses
- [NA-6763] - API Start recording command - Missing Dialed Number on Recorded Calls screen
- [NA-6764] - Dashboard Virtual Balance shows Campaigns not Allocations
- [NA-6768] - Queue Route Details report - missing Caller ID
- [NA-6791] - CampaignTemplate - Email Templates Field dropdown shows java object
- [NA-6792] - Actions Scripts - Default template script has errors
- [NA-6793] - Route - Advanced/Basic button is confusing
- [NA-6829] - Pause code not updating when reentering contact hub
- [NA-6830] - Stacktrace: 1830469499 Company Rockin Direct Version:
- [NA-6839] - allow creation of allocations and campaigns through the UI
- [NA-6856] - add charts to campaign control panel
- [NA-6859] - Campaign Agent Activity report covering more time then seleceted
- [NA-6865] - replace problematic ehcache in DailerEventHandler
- [NA-6866] - add alert when agent phone is in use while trying to deliver queue call
- [NA-6876] - fix to control tmp table size for lead fetch
- [NA-6887] - can't start contact hub after stopping it
- [NA-6891] - fix convert to routesv2 to handle dialplan entries
- [NA-6893] - Campaign Importers - error when selecting "import source vtiger"
- [NA-6896] - Route convert - DIAL doesn't convert
- [NA-6897] - Trunk change for RouteV2 - create new inbound DID Patter rewrite:
- [NA-6898] - Extensions.conf:
- [NA-6899] - fix sip to header in routing AGI
- [NA-6900] - cdr showing wrong clid despite trunk clid rewrite
- [NA-6902] - Recording playback control has changed on chrome. Download is back.
- [NA-6904] - MySQLSyntaxErrorException - sql campaign importer
- [NA-6906] - cant create reservation template if none exist
- [NA-6907] - wfm - replace set shift with guaranteed shift
- [NA-6910] - Voicemail - unable to enter existing voicemail box
- [NA-6911] - sql campaign importer - filter not working
- [NA-6912] - Runtime Exception if I try to edit existing Virtual Allocation if the description is blank
- [NA-6913] - Can't start contact hub - RuntimeException
- [NA-6918] - Searching CDR for a phone number very slow
- [NA-6919] - CDR records - missing CallerID on outbound calls made by contact hub
- [NA-6920] - prevent DB lock when writing CDR records
- [NA-6926] - create mechanism to set last id for import source after import is completed
- [NA-6927] - Stacktrace: 4200067741 Company Noojee Contact Solutions Version:
- [NA-6929] - Route v2 step for setting channel variable in route 'Campaign Agent Dial-In' is not set correctly
- [NA-6930] - Campaign import - csv with 2 filters
- [NA-6945] - Stacktrace: 303435463 Company Rockin Direct Version:
- [NA-6950] - NPE when opening help
- [NA-6955] - Campaign Importers - operation drop down spelling mistake
- [NA-6957] - CDR - Better result when using noojee vision than contact hub
- [NA-6960] - Can you put and ID on the stop button
- [NA-6962] - Campaign importers - Tooltip for order and limit by clause
- [NA-6974] - Voicemail action script not using unavailable message for outgoing announcement
- [NA-6991] - increase logging for trunk/group callerId rewrites
- [NA-6997] - Caller ID name being cleared by TrunkAgi
- [NA-7001] - Stacktrace: 1916406818 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7021] - ConcurrentModificationException
- [NA-7025] - ConstraintViolationException - Adding exception to Roster Template with no start/stop time
- [NA-7034] - Blind transfer to local extension using Contact Hub does work
- [NA-7039] - Problem creating new campaign/allocation
- [NA-7040] - Stacktrace: 2851155140 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7061] - Stacktrace: 525822476 Company Comm Direct Version:
- [NA-7063] - RoutesV2 - delivered to in CDR screen incorrect
- [NA-7064] - Copy to RouteV2 action does not work correctly
- [NA-7076] - javax.crypto.BadPaddingException when exporting campaign
- [NA-7094] - Import failed to encrypted campaign template
- [NA-7095] - Encrypted data issue
- [NA-7097] - Some fields not getting copied with Copy Template
- [NA-7098] - Encrypted field export inconsistent between users
- [NA-7099] - Export of encrypted field with incorrect password doesn't throw user friendly error
- [NA-7100] - NPE if you get your password wrong when exporting encrypted campaign
- [NA-7101] - Deleting a user from Encryption Access gives a not implemented message
- [NA-7104] - NPE if user has not been given access to encrypted campaign.
- [NA-7105] - Duplicate users in the encryption access tab.
- [NA-7186] - Exporting without encryption not exporting all records
- [NA-7241] - Better message when deleting Encryption Method
- [NA-7242] - Bulk close records end up in the CDR
- [NA-7266] - change "redial" disposition to not reset noanswer counter
- [NA-7276] - Copy to RouteV2 of Wildcard route does not work correctly
- [NA-7287] - change ImportSource to better manage life cycle of the import source and reduce repeated row fetches
- [NA-7292] - Import stuck when filtering against field that didn't exist in template
- [NA-7293] - System Health API possible NPE
- [NA-7308] - Problem with roster templates
- [NA-7309] - improved monitoring of thread pools
- [NA-7318] - agent status is "Inbound Wait", catergorized as "Contact Hub" immediately after log in
- [NA-7331] - Stacktrace: 2888179809 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7332] - Stacktrace: 3493118815 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7334] - Stacktrace: 1879329551 Company candc Version:
- [NA-7362] - prevent entry of invalid foreign extensions
- [NA-7365] - Stacktrace: 801132356 Company Rockin Direct Version:
- [NA-7372] - Stacktrace: 3561321801 Company Collins Street Business Centre Version:
- [NA-7391] - in routes take the handsets trunk group if one is set
- [NA-7392] - Stacktrace: 3862545257 Company My Home GP Version:
- [NA-7395] - Stacktrace: 2546585801 Company Comm Direct Version:
- [NA-7423] - Dial Action Script ignores Continue On Answer
- [NA-7470] - CDR Per Agent - Outbound "Answered" not correct
- [NA-7477] - speed up loading dashboard line charts
- [NA-7484] - fix for dangling channels
- [NA-7491] - allow prioritizing loading of caches when creating them
- [NA-7494] - free lead lock in contact hub
- [NA-7500] - cause of exhausted scheduler thread pool
- [NA-7503] - duplicate lead served to 2 agents
- [NA-7506] - queue ignores threshold
- [NA-7537] - Handset account code not ending up in the CDR
- [NA-7540] - Stacktrace: 313928276 Company Hampers with Bite Version:
- [NA-7564] - Internal call falls through to voicemail
- [NA-7669] - IVR Menu needs to offer a 'enter extension no. if you know it option'.
- [NA-7672] - route schedule, don't allow end time to be before start time
- [NA-7677] - Discrepancy between Blended Agent Status History and Campaign Agent Activity
- [NA-7682] - thread pool exhausted due to control panel
- [NA-7683] - speed up for lead insert
- [NA-7693] - route upgrade, route to target
- [NA-7694] - upgrade route schedules
- [NA-7695] - back port fix for disabled routes bug
- [NA-7698] - default new handsets to routesv2-handset context
njadmin 5.5.1
New Recording Management system.