Waits for the user to send press a digit (sent as a DTMF tone from ) on their handset and stores the resulting digits into the given variable once optionally request that the user has confirmed confirms that the digits are correct.
We hangup the call if the users doesn't get it right in four goes.
The Business Message to play to prompt the user to enter the required DTMF tonesdigits.
To Few Digits
If you enter a Min Digits and the user enters less than Min Digits then this message is played to them.
This message should normally read 'You must enter at least 'n' digits.
Variable Name
The name of the Route Variable to store the correctly entered digits.
Min Digits
Sets the min number of digits that can be entered. If the minimum no. of digits isn't entered then the 'To Few Digits' prompt is played and the caller is asked to re-enter the value.
Set this value to 0 if there is no minimum restriction.
Max Digits
Sets the max number of digits that can be entered. When the maximum is reach input is stopped withouth without waiting for a '#' or a timeout.
The maximum allowed no. of digits is 30.
Controls how long (in seconds) we wait for the user to enter the next DTMF Tonedigit.
If we timeout then input will stop and the DTMF tones digits entered so far will be returned.
Ask for Conformation
If ticked the caller will be asked to confirm the digits they have just entered
The Conformation messsage message will be played, the entered digits will be read to the caller and they will be prompted to enter 1 to confirm the sequence or anything else to re-enter the digits.
The caller is given four attempts to enter the digits correctly otherwise the call is hungup.
The Business Message used to prompt the user to confirm that the DTMF tones digits are correct.
The message should normally read something like 'Dial one to confirm, any other number to re-enter.