Gosub is a specialised Action designed to send a call to another Call Route returning when complete.
Gosub is designed to work with Actions such as Rewrite which are able to modify the dialed number and then resubmit the call to the route pattern match logic so that it can be process by an appropriate route.
Defines the value to use as the 'target' when the call is passed to the specified Context.
The no. originally dialed is used as the target.
The Route Target to send the call to.
The value of the given variable is used as the target.
The Context to reroute the call into. Often it is sufficient to simply reroute the call back into the same context
after the target has been modified as it will now match a different route.</br></br>
You have multiple SIP service providers and one of them sends calls to your PBX with a DID that includes the country code e.g. 613 8320 8100.
Rather than have two sets of routes (one for each service provider) you can create a route which matchs the 613 prefix,
strips that prefix (using Rewrite) and then resubmits the call into the routes using this Gosub Action.