Campaign Manager Control Panel

The Campaign Control panel lets you perform the most common daily operations on Campaigns and Allocations.

The left hand list displays a list of active Campaigns and Allocations.

Allocations that have been 'Stopped' will not show up in the list. Click the 'Advanced' button next to the top filter and then select 'Show Inactive Allocations' to display 'Stopped' allocations.


To import an new Campaign or top up an exisitng Campaign or allocation, click the 'Import' button.


To export Campaign data, first select the Allocation from the left hand list and then click the 'Export' button. The Export wizard will be launched and take you through the export process.

Change Dialer

The Change Dialer button will allow you to change the dialer used by an Allocation. 

Note: changing the dialer for one Allocation will change the dialer for all Allocations that belong to the same Campaign Template.

Dialer Types


Lets you configure the set of Dispositions (call Outcomes)  as well as Disposition Actions.

Note: changes to Disposition Actions affect all Allocations that belong to the same Campaign Template

New Allocation

Allows you to create a new Allocation from existing leads in a Campaign.

You can use this to reprocess leads from an old Allocation or allocate fresh leads from a Campaign that were not Allocated during the import.


If you have a Noojee DNC wash license then Allocations are submitted for washing when imported or when created. The Wash button allows you to check the DNC Wash status of an Allocation or resubmit an Allocation for re-washing. 

 Note: requires a Noojee DNC wash license and DNC Registry 'Type D' or higher subscription.


Displays the Call Scheduler that allows you to control (in bulk) when certain classes of leads are to be dialed.

Screen Layout

Allows you to change the Screen Layout for this Allocation.

Note: changing the Screen Layout will affect all Allocations that share the Screen Layout.


Starts the selected Allocation to make it Active. Only Active Allocations are visible to Agents.


Stops the selected Allocation to make it inactive. In active Allocations are not visible to agents. Stopping old Allocations will help speed your system. 

Once an Allocation is Stopped it will disappear from the left hand list. Click the 'Advanced' button next to the top filter and then select 'Show Inactive Allocations' to see Stopped Allocations.