Salesforce allows you to configure your softphone layouts which allows you to:
Noojee only supports popping softphone layouts for inbound calls.
If necessary you can create multiple softphone layouts for different user needs.
To configure softphone layouts in Salesforce:
Navigate to the Salesforce Setup menu
Search for 'Softphone Layouts'.
Select Softphone Layouts
Click Continue on the 'Say Hello...' screen.
Note: a 'Standard Softphone Layout' may already exist in which case you don't need to add a new one.
Simply edit the existing layout and mark it as the default layout.
Click 'New'
Enter a Name for the Softphone layout e.g 'Service Team' or 'Sales Team'.
If desired mark it as the 'Is Default Layout'.
Select the 'Call Type' Inbound.
Make any changes necessary for Inbound layouts.
Save when done.
Note: You must have added at least one user to the Call Centre before you can create any Softphone Layout Assignments.
The assignment controls which layout a group (profile) of users is associated with and therefore what screens are popped when they answer a call.
Navigate to the Salesforce Setup menu
Search for 'Softphone Layouts'.
Click 'Softphone Layout Assignment'
Choose the User Profile that you want to assign the layout to.
Chose the Layout you want to associate wit the selected User Profile.
Click Save.