Team Management allows you to create teams of Agents.
There are several types of Teams which provide for different methods of operating a team.
Each team type is described below.
Note: only Accounts that belong to one or more of the following Groups may be a Team Leader
Team management is quite straight forward with one caveat. Noojee Admin tracks the dates of when you add and remove team members or in the case of Dynamic Teams when the Agent logs in/out. This is quite important as for instance when you run the CDR Team report for a month ago you want to see the team as it was during that period not as it is today.
The Team Leader is given special control over a team in that they have a number of special permissions over their team members.
Each of the Team Leader groups receive different permissions.
Team Leader - Campaign : ability to view/manage Campaigns/Allocation that belong to their team.
Team Leader - Monitor : ability to listen their team members live calls. Each team member must have the 'Can be Monitored' Recording option enabled on their Account.
Team Leader - Recording : ability to search/download and playback recorded calls of their team.
To be a Team Member the user's Account MUST have one or more of the following permissions:
QA Members are team members responsible for performing quality assurance (QA) on calls. A QA member is normally responsible for reviewing recordings and Call Editor details.
To become a QA Member a Users's Account must:
Users that belong to the QA Call Editor group will be able to view/update their teams records via the Call Editor Page.
Users that belong to the QA Team Recordings group will be able to view/download/playback their teams recordings via the Recorded Calls Page.
To be clear the QA member can only view details of calls/recordings that have been made against a campaign that is associated with the team.
i.e. its not enough that a team member made the call, the team member must have made the call against an associated campaign.
Static teams allow you to create a team with a fixed list of agents. Static teams are useful when you have a consistent group of agents that report to a Team Leader.
Static Team membership is used by a number of aspects of Noojee Admin including:
To add Agents to your team, select an Agent from the 'Available' list and then click the '>' button to add them to the 'Selected' list.
You can select multiple Agents by holding down the 'Ctrl' key whilst clicking an Agent, then once you have the group of Agents that you want click the '>' button and they will all be added together.
Use the '<' button to remove one or more agents that you have selected from the 'Selected' list.
Login teams are designed for Inbound teams that use either Skills based or Dynamic Queues.
Login teams allow agents to move between teams during the day by choosing the desired team from the Noojee Admin Login page.
NB: the Agents should be added to the required Queues before they are added to the Team.
Login teams provides an additional level of control as to what Queues agents will work.
An example is perhaps the best way of understanding with a scenario looking at Skills based Queues.
If you however want a team of agents to just focus on say 2 of those queues, then Skills become clumsy as you have to remove Skills from agents.
Instead, you can create a Team with just those 2 queues (lets call this the 'Priority Team') that you want the team to focus on. When staff come in you instruct them to login to the 'Priority Team'. Whilst some of those Agents may have the Skills to takes calls from every Queue, being a member of the Priority Team will restrict the set of queues they can take calls from.
When using Login Teams an Agent must be both a member of a Queue (either via a Skill or Dynamic) and they must belong to a team associated with the same Queue. If both conditions are not met then the agent will not take calls from that Queue.
To add Queues to your team, select a Queue from the 'Available' list and then click the '>' button to add them to the 'Selected' list.
The Rostered Inbound Team Type allows you to set up a team of agents that can be rostered together taking calls from a common set of Queues (Reservations being a special case).
The Agents tab allows you to select the set of Agents that belong to the team.
To appear in the list of available Agents the Agent's Account must belong to one of of:
The Queue Filter tab allows you to select the set of Queues that rostered agents can take calls from, provided they have the required set of skills and are members of the particular queues.
NB: the Agents should be added to the required Queues before they are added to the Team.
The Queue Filter is also used to select the Queue metrics used when forecasting a roster.
The Skill Filter reduces the set of Skills an Agent has when Rostered onto this team.
The exception is that any Agent that fills Reservation will have their skills controlled by the reservation.