System Variables

System Variables are used to store a large and diverse set of global settings.

Many of the variables displayed here are actually updated by other screens in the system. These variables are normally marked as 'Read Only' which means that you can't change the value via this screen.

Changing System variables can have immediate and horrible affects on your system, so make certain you know what you are doing before you make any changes.

Some System Variables may also be cached, meaning that changes to a value will only take affect after Noojee Admin (tomcat) has been restarted.


The search bar will search both key names and values.

reportCsvTimeAsSeconds0,1,2,3Controls the format of time fields in reports when exported in CSV format.  for example 1 hour 5 minutes and 6 seconds  in each format is 0 = 1:05:06s, 1 = 3905, 2 = 1:05:06, 3 = 01h 05m 06s
AgiHosthost or ip addressThe host or ip address of the AGI server for this instance
Auth TypeAUTH_TYPE_JDBC, AUTH_TYPE_LDAPSelect between internal Database Authentication and LDAP
Dev Mode0 or 1When set to 1 a lot of diagnostic functions and logging are enabled, also some extra permissions are granted for routes to allow editing built in routes for export.
Logging Agent Of Interestlogin of an agent, or * for allEnables logging information about Agents association to Queues, use sparingly as this has performance implications
Logging Queue Of Interestname of a queue, or * for allEnables logging information about Agent association to Queues, use sparingly as this has performance implications
Max Heap Table MBdefault 320This setting is set on a per Data base connection when acquiring leads to help with performance
Max Heap Table Per Request MBdefault 32This setting is set on a per Data base connection when acquiring leads to help with performance
Max Roster Stack Heightdefault 20Controls the height of the Roster view in terms of how many agents can be stacked vertically
NV Refresh Ratedefault 2Controls how often Noojee Vision refreshes it's content in seconds.
QueueLogRetentionPerioddefault 730Number of days that data in the queue log should be retained
Show NV Queue Details0 or 1Show queue details tab in Noojee Vision
Show NV Queue Graphs0 or 1Show queue graphs tab in Noojee Vision
Show NV Queue Numbers0 or 1Show queue Numbers tab in Noojee Vision
Show NV Roster0 or 1Show Roster tab in Noojee Vision
Show Queue Data at Top of UI0 or 1Show agent's queue data in top bar