Noojee Contact 6.5

Release notes - Noojee Admin - Version 6.5.0.x

<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href='NA-4161'>NA-4161</a>] - Update for routes v2
<li>[<a href='NA-4690'>NA-4690</a>] - Add Disposition Filter to Campaign Summary report
<li>[<a href='NA-4905'>NA-4905</a>] - Scroll bar required in dashboard when there are several dashlets outside of screen
<li>[<a href='NA-5032'>NA-5032</a>] - SMS Disposition Action
<li>[<a href='NA-5037'>NA-5037</a>] - Add ability to exclude future days in contact hours
<li>[<a href='NA-5066'>NA-5066</a>] - Call Monitor needs a search feature
<li>[<a href='NA-5067'>NA-5067</a>] - Call Monitor refresh causes scrolling.
<li>[<a href='NA-5071'>NA-5071</a>] - team management - need to be able to search when adding members to a team.
<li>[<a href='NA-5081'>NA-5081</a>] - Queue analysis screen - neesds to be scrollable or smaller
<li>[<a href='NA-5084'>NA-5084</a>] - Call Editor needs to show call direction.
<li>[<a href='NA-5085'>NA-5085</a>] - Call Editor: change duration to display in HH:mm:ss
<li>[<a href='NA-5087'>NA-5087</a>] - Call scheduler should take into account business hours
<li>[<a href='NA-5096'>NA-5096</a>] - API - update doesn&#39;t check the DNC list
<li>[<a href='NA-5116'>NA-5116</a>] - Dashboard: add a method to monitor trunks
<li>[<a href='NA-5574'>NA-5574</a>] - Limit characters for Area code in offices
<li>[<a href='NA-6186'>NA-6186</a>] - Harden connections coming over VPN
<li>[<a href='NA-6463'>NA-6463</a>] - Active Directory
<li>[<a href='NA-6465'>NA-6465</a>] - Voicemail action should allow to route to voicemail box attached to account.
<li>[<a href='NA-6468'>NA-6468</a>] - allow sort order of dispositions for display in agent&#39;s contact hub
<li>[<a href='NA-6478'>NA-6478</a>] - Better naming of copied dashboards.
<li>[<a href='NA-7006'>NA-7006</a>] - Campaign export not logged in audit log
<li>[<a href='NA-7045'>NA-7045</a>] - MOHLayout - Add play button
<li>[<a href='NA-7257'>NA-7257</a>] - Playlists - Need a delete function
<li>[<a href='NA-7339'>NA-7339</a>] - Improvements to the Copy Dashboard dialog
<li>[<a href='NA-7370'>NA-7370</a>] - Add a &quot;hide help&quot; button the the help screen
<li>[<a href='NA-7468'>NA-7468</a>] - Add &quot;last used&quot; or &quot;last login&quot; to Accounts page
<li>[<a href='NA-7549'>NA-7549</a>] - Wrap time on queue screen not applicable for contact hub
<li>[<a href='NA-7556'>NA-7556</a>] - Need to provide general users with listen/record to their voicemail greeting
<li>[<a href='NA-7570'>NA-7570</a>] - Contact hour group should be shown in call editor under lead details
<li>[<a href='NA-7634'>NA-7634</a>] - Limit list of allocations that can be selected on multi tenant system for close lead function
<li>[<a href='NA-7670'>NA-7670</a>] - Changes to csv layout of Campaign Agent Activity Report
<li>[<a href='NA-7685'>NA-7685</a>] - Campaign Team Leaders can&#39;t see leads with disp. Multi Dial Abort
<li>[<a href='NA-7696'>NA-7696</a>] - Unable to determine which extension and agent answered the call from a queue in routes2 debugger.
<li>[<a href='NA-7702'>NA-7702</a>] - Ability to login without extension for managers
<li>[<a href='NA-7727'>NA-7727</a>] - Improved Voicemail Route Step
<li>[<a href='NA-7733'>NA-7733</a>] - Change Route Step Gosub to &#39;Basic&#39;
<li>[<a href='NA-7734'>NA-7734</a>] - Route Target selection - make all columns searchable
<li>[<a href='NA-7735'>NA-7735</a>] - Apply search filter when changing from Basic to Advanced in Route Step
<li>[<a href='NA-7736'>NA-7736</a>] - Show which handset answered from a queue in route2 debugger
<li>[<a href='NA-7756'>NA-7756</a>] - Lead injection API - force single threaded.
<li>[<a href='NA-7758'>NA-7758</a>] - Call Editor - make the lead id a default field
<li>[<a href='NA-7761'>NA-7761</a>] - Contact Hub removes Noojee Vision users from their queues
<li>[<a href='NA-7774'>NA-7774</a>] - Allow leads to be unclosed when updated in call editor to a call back type disposition

<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href='NA-5040'>NA-5040</a>] - Lead Actions that can be scheduled to update leads
<li>[<a href='NA-5079'>NA-5079</a>] - Report to list skills for each agent.
<li>[<a href='NA-5931'>NA-5931</a>] - implement ring strategies
<li>[<a href='NA-5932'>NA-5932</a>] - create queue core
<li>[<a href='NA-6691'>NA-6691</a>] - Add Extended Wrap and Preview to Dashboard data sources
<li>[<a href='NA-6692'>NA-6692</a>] - Dashboard - ability to report on pause codes
<li>[<a href='NA-6874'>NA-6874</a>] - new landing page with charts and launch buttons
<li>[<a href='NA-6993'>NA-6993</a>] - Ability to pause allocations in the Campaigns screen
<li>[<a href='NA-7024'>NA-7024</a>] - Extended disposition list in Contact Hub to fill available space
<li>[<a href='NA-7072'>NA-7072</a>] - Add dashlet to show which virtual allocations agents are working on
<li>[<a href='NA-7371'>NA-7371</a>] - Add &quot;duration&quot; to displayable fields in Campaign Call Editor
<li>[<a href='NA-7394'>NA-7394</a>] - Allow searching for undialled lead from call editor so they can be manually dialled
<li>[<a href='NA-7535'>NA-7535</a>] - Provide a way to upload a list of numbers into exiting Private DNC List

<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href='NA-5054'>NA-5054</a>] - SMS Action Dispostion rejecting some messages due to %
<li>[<a href='NA-5614'>NA-5614</a>] - dont record fully external calls caused by attended transfer from a handset
<li>[<a href='NA-6146'>NA-6146</a>] - hot key dialer may be broken by removal of routes v1
<li>[<a href='NA-6148'>NA-6148</a>] - reports possibly broken by removing routes v1
<li>[<a href='NA-6431'>NA-6431</a>] - queue features to test
<li>[<a href='NA-6502'>NA-6502</a>] - need to re-instate ast db sync for the trunk family, it&#39;s used for 000
<li>[<a href='NA-6679'>NA-6679</a>] - add check box to &quot;exit opion number&quot; on IVR to &quot;return to parent&quot;
<li>[<a href='NA-6696'>NA-6696</a>] - remove TEMPLATE from ScheduleTypeEnum
<li>[<a href='NA-6901'>NA-6901</a>] - Recordings using the API stop/start method can get wrong uniqueID
<li>[<a href='NA-6984'>NA-6984</a>] - Queue Status missing after extension steal.
<li>[<a href='NA-6990'>NA-6990</a>] - Playing EIC message in inbound puts agent in wrap.
<li>[<a href='NA-7007'>NA-7007</a>] - Bulk import of accounts not adding to global team
<li>[<a href='NA-7041'>NA-7041</a>] - Unanswered Calls report - inconsistent data
<li>[<a href='NA-7042'>NA-7042</a>] - Stacktrace: 1830469507 Company Rockin Direct Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7047'>NA-7047</a>] - NPE - when exiting contact hub
<li>[<a href='NA-7048'>NA-7048</a>] - Contact hub Button bar not refreshing properly
<li>[<a href='NA-7049'>NA-7049</a>] - Changing agents skills does not always take effect
<li>[<a href='NA-7052'>NA-7052</a>] - Stacktrace: 4236735368 Company Comm Direct Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7062'>NA-7062</a>] - Queues - Least Recent
<li>[<a href='NA-7066'>NA-7066</a>] - Route - Set CallerID (Name/Brand) not displaying on handset
<li>[<a href='NA-7067'>NA-7067</a>] - Ring all queue - contact hub data not removed if other agent answers
<li>[<a href='NA-7069'>NA-7069</a>] - Round robin - not going to all phones
<li>[<a href='NA-7073'>NA-7073</a>] - NPE - Trunk message in logs
<li>[<a href='NA-7075'>NA-7075</a>] - ring all race condition
<li>[<a href='NA-7079'>NA-7079</a>] - Stacktrace: 3761700692 Company candc Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7080'>NA-7080</a>] - FileNotFoundException when uploading files to a playlist
<li>[<a href='NA-7254'>NA-7254</a>] - Playlists - Changing order of recordings does nothing
<li>[<a href='NA-7256'>NA-7256</a>] - Playlists - overwriting file adds new file
<li>[<a href='NA-7261'>NA-7261</a>] - Agent seems to long into wrong &quot;state&quot;.
<li>[<a href='NA-7263'>NA-7263</a>] - Stacktrace: 1949821148 Company Just Wines Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7265'>NA-7265</a>] - Queue Behaviour - Priority
<li>[<a href='NA-7280'>NA-7280</a>] - NPE during import
<li>[<a href='NA-7310'>NA-7310</a>] - store bmm and moh audio in db and sync to file system at startup
<li>[<a href='NA-7311'>NA-7311</a>] - move voicemail to db
<li>[<a href='NA-7333'>NA-7333</a>] - Queue - agent not receiving calls after transfer.
<li>[<a href='NA-7355'>NA-7355</a>] - Queued call priority issue.
<li>[<a href='NA-7358'>NA-7358</a>] - Agent left in extended wrap at end of call.
<li>[<a href='NA-7361'>NA-7361</a>] - prevent entry of invalid foreign extensions
<li>[<a href='NA-7368'>NA-7368</a>] - make tomcat run db upgrade scripts
<li>[<a href='NA-7369'>NA-7369</a>] - mods for db upgrade and backup to observe the host name
<li>[<a href='NA-7380'>NA-7380</a>] - Inbound Queue Details and Queue Route Details reports broken
<li>[<a href='NA-7381'>NA-7381</a>] - Campaign Template - Voicemail route not working
<li>[<a href='NA-7382'>NA-7382</a>] - New Agent Status dashboard - only one agent
<li>[<a href='NA-7383'>NA-7383</a>] - NPE - clicking back button in export precess
<li>[<a href='NA-7384'>NA-7384</a>] - NPE when playing around in Queue - messages screen
<li>[<a href='NA-7385'>NA-7385</a>] - Playlists - Shuffle doesn&#39;t seem to work
<li>[<a href='NA-7388'>NA-7388</a>] - Dashboard Copy - fails to copy spreadsheet.
<li>[<a href='NA-7452'>NA-7452</a>] - MySQLSyntaxErrorException when adding voicemail route to template
<li>[<a href='NA-7453'>NA-7453</a>] - prompt user for voicemail box
<li>[<a href='NA-7532'>NA-7532</a>] - Call Editor - Callback Date
<li>[<a href='NA-7533'>NA-7533</a>] - Email template issue
<li>[<a href='NA-7534'>NA-7534</a>] - Private DNC Upload - allows duplicate names
<li>[<a href='NA-7536'>NA-7536</a>] - CampaignAllocations crud screen retains filter
<li>[<a href='NA-7541'>NA-7541</a>] - Unknown column &#39;EXTENDEDDISPOSITION&#39; in &#39;field list&#39;
<li>[<a href='NA-7542'>NA-7542</a>] - Hot Key Dialer - Couldn&#39;t find layout id undefined
<li>[<a href='NA-7543'>NA-7543</a>] - Hotkey Dialer Screen - shows object name for allocation
<li>[<a href='NA-7544'>NA-7544</a>] - hotkey dialler showing negative number for &quot;No Answer&quot;
<li>[<a href='NA-7545'>NA-7545</a>] - Hotkey dialler doesn&#39;t always correctly identify call answered.
<li>[<a href='NA-7546'>NA-7546</a>] - UI issues after using the hotkey dialler
<li>[<a href='NA-7547'>NA-7547</a>] - Inbound call stays connected when hung-up by agent&#39;s handset.
<li>[<a href='NA-7548'>NA-7548</a>] - Inbound calls to queue showing up as &quot;On call (Out)&quot; in noojee vision.
<li>[<a href='NA-7550'>NA-7550</a>] - Changing Queue or timeout is not reflected in the comment
<li>[<a href='NA-7551'>NA-7551</a>] - Agent not removed from queue properly.
<li>[<a href='NA-7553'>NA-7553</a>] - Stacktrace: 422107914 Company J &amp; C Advertising Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7554'>NA-7554</a>] - Voicemail Layout For Agents - Ring back using dial button fails
<li>[<a href='NA-7555'>NA-7555</a>] - Getting into voicemail using *3 not working
<li>[<a href='NA-7557'>NA-7557</a>] - When creating a new hot-key dialler, should clear out stats for the previous one.
<li>[<a href='NA-7560'>NA-7560</a>] - Agent in extended wrap after leaving contact hub
<li>[<a href='NA-7561'>NA-7561</a>] - Voicemail provision - refresh after save
<li>[<a href='NA-7564'>NA-7564</a>] - Internal call falls through to voicemail
<li>[<a href='NA-7565'>NA-7565</a>] - Route Campaigner Agent Dial-in has no steps
<li>[<a href='NA-7566'>NA-7566</a>] - Voicemail issues
<li>[<a href='NA-7567'>NA-7567</a>] - change dispositions so as to not reset no-answer count
<li>[<a href='NA-7568'>NA-7568</a>] - transfer with hangup lead to agent on phone ready for next call
<li>[<a href='NA-7569'>NA-7569</a>] - failed transfer due to non Quiescent - channels stayed up
<li>[<a href='NA-7574'>NA-7574</a>] - Phantom call stuck in queue
<li>[<a href='NA-7575'>NA-7575</a>] - Noojee Vision - Wrap dialog not appearing
<li>[<a href='NA-7577'>NA-7577</a>] - BMM&#39;s broken
<li>[<a href='NA-7585'>NA-7585</a>] - Voicemail Config - Misleading error message when attempt to play back empty greeting
<li>[<a href='NA-7586'>NA-7586</a>] - Voicemail Configuration - Error when recording message.
<li>[<a href='NA-7587'>NA-7587</a>] - Attended transfer to queue - message box blank
<li>[<a href='NA-7589'>NA-7589</a>] - Lock Exception occurs when doing transfers.
<li>[<a href='NA-7590'>NA-7590</a>] - Attended Transfer via queue issue
<li>[<a href='NA-7602'>NA-7602</a>] - Contacts page - Click extension uses wrong CLI
<li>[<a href='NA-7605'>NA-7605</a>] - API Dial - Calls to external number fails
<li>[<a href='NA-7606'>NA-7606</a>] - Manual call between two handsets using External CallerID set on originating handset.
<li>[<a href='NA-7607'>NA-7607</a>] - API dial between handsets - CallerID Name wrong
<li>[<a href='NA-7608'>NA-7608</a>] - CLID borked when falling back to routes v1 from routes v2
<li>[<a href='NA-7609'>NA-7609</a>] - Timeout Exception
<li>[<a href='NA-7610'>NA-7610</a>] - contention logging a user out of their queues
<li>[<a href='NA-7611'>NA-7611</a>] - Put 40 calls into Robtest at the same time. Thread Pool Warning
<li>[<a href='NA-7614'>NA-7614</a>] - MySQLTransactionRollbackException under load
<li>[<a href='NA-7615'>NA-7615</a>] - changed commit (Save) in base crud
<li>[<a href='NA-7619'>NA-7619</a>] - Route to queue from handset. Strange step number in recordings.
<li>[<a href='NA-7620'>NA-7620</a>] - Route Step Group Ring - allows spaces between commas.
<li>[<a href='NA-7622'>NA-7622</a>] - Contact Hub: Extended Wrap mis-reported when &#39;Redial&#39; used on back of inbound call
<li>[<a href='NA-7623'>NA-7623</a>] - Is the Queue Agents Report working for 6.5
<li>[<a href='NA-7625'>NA-7625</a>] - *8 not working for queued calls
<li>[<a href='NA-7626'>NA-7626</a>] - NPE to do with queues
<li>[<a href='NA-7628'>NA-7628</a>] - Transfer To queue issue
<li>[<a href='NA-7632'>NA-7632</a>] - at the end of an inbound call in blended contact hub user status remains &quot;extended wrap&quot;
<li>[<a href='NA-7633'>NA-7633</a>] - login and logout of agents affecting other agents queue login state
<li>[<a href='NA-7644'>NA-7644</a>] - things to check
<li>[<a href='NA-7659'>NA-7659</a>] - queuelayout preview doesn&#39;t update after save - you have to change records
<li>[<a href='NA-7660'>NA-7660</a>] - when queues are in a partial state , the pause/resume buttons don&#39;t work in noojee vision
<li>[<a href='NA-7662'>NA-7662</a>] - when in partial state can&#39;t stop an agent from dashboard
<li>[<a href='NA-7663'>NA-7663</a>] - in partial state paused from dash board, had to stop each individual queue before starting or stopping
<li>[<a href='NA-7664'>NA-7664</a>] - can&#39;t stop/pause? due to deleted queue
<li>[<a href='NA-7665'>NA-7665</a>] - can&#39;t log off paused agent?
<li>[<a href='NA-7666'>NA-7666</a>] - put 10 calls in to queue, hang all up. they remain in UIQueue for 1 minute after
<li>[<a href='NA-7667'>NA-7667</a>] - breakage when deleting a queue
<li>[<a href='NA-7668'>NA-7668</a>] - agent in contact hub gets no wrap period after a transfer
<li>[<a href='NA-7676'>NA-7676</a>] - add validator for unique trunk names
<li>[<a href='NA-7681'>NA-7681</a>] - make terminateOldDuplicatePusher work
<li>[<a href='NA-7686'>NA-7686</a>] - Multitenant system campaign manager needs to be able to edit overdial leads that don&#39;t have ownership
<li>[<a href='NA-7688'>NA-7688</a>] - removing skill from agent didn&#39;t remove it from the queue
<li>[<a href='NA-7690'>NA-7690</a>] - Stacktrace: 1312554352 Company Calltime Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7697'>NA-7697</a>] - day of week field reports as dirty with multiple route schedules in a single route
<li>[<a href='NA-7709'>NA-7709</a>] - Stacktrace: 3677878036 Company Mr Duct Cleaning Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7710'>NA-7710</a>] - Stacktrace: 3203254012 Company Mr Duct Cleaning Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7715'>NA-7715</a>] - Stacktrace: 3620117305 Company candc Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7718'>NA-7718</a>] - QA members don&#39;t see teams agents in recording advanced tab
<li>[<a href='NA-7720'>NA-7720</a>] - Log Step doesn&#39;t show help.
<li>[<a href='NA-7724'>NA-7724</a>] - Stacktrace: 1536477316 Company candc Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7726'>NA-7726</a>] - Stacktrace: 597043591 Company candc Version:
<li>[<a href='NA-7741'>NA-7741</a>] - Route step doesn&#39;t display help.
<li>[<a href='NA-7742'>NA-7742</a>] - handle DND setting for phones in queues
<li>[<a href='NA-7743'>NA-7743</a>] - lost answered added incorrectly
<li>[<a href='NA-7755'>NA-7755</a>] - API - can&#39;t change contact hours on a lead if it hasn&#39;t been dialed.
<li>[<a href='NA-7764'>NA-7764</a>] - Changing account skill doesn&#39;t update agent membership threshold.
<li>[<a href='NA-7765'>NA-7765</a>] - Allow API to &#39;close&#39; a lead via the njLeadId.
<li>[<a href='NA-7783'>NA-7783</a>] - routesv2 has no way to alert phone about voicemails
<li>[<a href='NA-7789'>NA-7789</a>] - allow jasper reports cross tabs to expand fully in CSV export
<li>[<a href='NA-7792'>NA-7792</a>] - Agent Allocation Category report
<li>[<a href='NA-7793'>NA-7793</a>] - include all dispositions in each section of campaign agent activity report
<li>[<a href='NA-7794'>NA-7794</a>] - fix for NPE in dialer
<li>[<a href='NA-7798'>NA-7798</a>] - hangup after dialer call to client when agent hangs up by handset
<li>[<a href='NA-7799'>NA-7799</a>] - queues: kill AGI for agents that didn&#39;t connect

Noojee Contact 6.1


New Feature


njadmin 5.5.1

New Recording Management system.

Rebuild of the Recording Management system to facilitate new requirements created by EIC (Electronic Informed Consent) and Attended Transfers from Contact Hub.

The Recording Manager now allows you to listen to the Client side of the recording for compliance checks and from the Agent side of the recording for QA purposes.

This is pertinent when the Attended Transfer option is used as there are two separate audio streams recorded. The client hears Hold music whilst the agent talks to a third party.

The new Recording Management interface now contains legs for for each side. Legs with an integer count (1,2,3) contain all audio heard by the client. Where there is an integer value leg (e.g. 4) and decimal notated sub-legs (4.1, 4.2) then the decimal legs hold the audio heard by the agent. The decimal sub-legs are (currently) only created when an agent commences an attended transfer.

The Recording manager now has new buttons to playback/download the complete Client side audio (everything the client heard or said) as well as the complete agent side audio (everything the Agent heard or said).

Electronic Informed Consent (Voice Authority)

Noojee Contact now has the ability to play a pre-recorded message to customer including the ability to pause and re-wind the EIC message if the customer asks questions.  EIC is available in Contact Hub from the transfer button. Large no.s of EIC messages are supported with the ability for an agent to quickly search for the required message.

Noojee API improvements

Performance of the Noojee API to insert/update leads has been radically improved with an insert now taking about 100ms.

Work Force Management

New panel to display the total hours rostered per day.

Numerous bug fixes for WFM.

Agents can now update their Break Status from any Noojee Contact page. (also available for non WFM systems).

Display logged in Team

The UI now displays the team the agent is logged into.

Transfer Pass through of CLID

New option to transfer through the Client's CLID when calling a third party on their behalf - not requires permission from Noojee before this option can be used.

Full list of release notes can be seen here.

njadmin 5.5

njadmin 4.6

njadmin 4.4

njadmin 4.2

njadmin 3.0















  * fix campaigncalls report
  * fix content type for pdf/csv from txml

  * fix for recording api bug

  * fix white pages handset bug

  * fix for sql on realtime queue report

  * queue reports bugs for PQ
  * unable to submit reports with large filters
  * outbound utilisation report
  * report filters should retain selections
  * Queue Details report - CSV export does not align correctly
  * Agent Statistics Report - drilldown per agent shows all calls
  * Agent Statistics Report - Pause time averages incorrect
  * Whitepages Google Maps no longer working
  * Active Calls Chart generates an error if selected when running
  * Recording list Report generates Heap Space error
  * Realtime Queue Statistics allows the same Queue to be displayed multiple times
  * Queue Callback report returns null data sets
  * General Statistics - export to csv aligns poorly
  * change to progressive totals or wait average & max
  * List Caller ID's of unanswered calls
  * Active Agents
  * All queue reports to select 'n' queues
  * Agent Statistics report slow to load
  * time format not CSV friendly
  * Report on agent and queue pause reasons
  * queue/agent allocation reports
  * Central white-pages and click-to-dial
  * Add ability to unpause agent via api call

  * add office location menu
  * add support for office location to whitepages import/export

  * update to remove handset config at login screen
  * add wrap time into predictive dialler calculation
  * update view to white pages to support officeid
  * fix for mismatched gwt versions
  * added single handset config
  * added office locations

  * added predictive dialler
  * added new grouping options to some campaigner reports