Close Leads - Select Allocation

Close Leads - Select Allocation

Close Leads

The Close Leads wizard allows you to selectively Close leads from an active Allocation.

A lead that has been closed will not be dialed again from the Campaign associated with the selected Allocation.

Common uses

A mid camaign Do Not Call (DNC) refresh is the most common use of the Close Leads wizard. 

DNC legislation limits the no. of weeks during which a Lead may be dialed after it has been washed through the DNCR.

If you are running a large campaign you may not manage to dial all of the no.s in the list before the legislated time elapses.

If this happens you can export all of the leads which remain to be dialed, re-wash them through the DNCR and then use the resulting list to close out any leads which have been added to the DNCR since the original wash.

Select an Allocation

Start the process by selecting the Allocation from which you want to close leads.