12.0 Update Route

12.0 Update Route

Allows you to update some details on a route including:

  • Enabled (true/false)
  • Title
  • Description
  • Brand
  • DID (Target Match)

Routes v2 API

 https://<PABX HOST>/servicemanager/rest/RouteAPI/updateRouteV2 

Arguments are:

    enabled (true/false)

enabled takes true/false
title, description and brand take any text (URL encoded of course)

A route will be matched on the 'did', if there is exactly 1 route for the 'did' the update will take place and you will receive 'OK'.

if there are 0 or more than 1 routes no update will occur and you will recieve a message like

    Can not perform the requested operation, there are 0 routes for DID 410

a valid call to the route API looks like this....

Success response:


Error Responses

{"code":-2,"message":"Can not perform the requested operation, there must be exactly one matching route for DID 1234"} 

Routes v1 API - deprecated

The below documents the API for Routes v1. As of Noojee Contact 6.1 the below api is deprecated. Please use the new routes V2 api documented above. Note: this api will be removed in Noojee Contat 6.5 and in 6.1 it is only able to update an Routes v1 entry.

The url to access the route api is

 https://<PABX HOST>/servicemanager/rest/RouteAPI/updateRoute 

Arguments are:

    enabled (true/false)

enabled takes true/false
title, description and brand take any text (URL encoded of course)

A route will be matched on the 'did', if there is exactly 1 route for the 'did' the update will take place and you will receive 'OK'.

if there are 0 or more than 1 routes no update will occur and you will recieve a message like

    Can not perform the requested operation, there are 0 routes for DID 410

a valid call to the route API looks like this....