04.2. Business Message

04.2. Business Message

Business Message

Menu: Call Handling | Business Messages

Access: NoojeeAdmin, Administrators, Recording Manager, Office Manager

The Asterisk PBX system contains numerous voice messages which are used to prompt callers. An organization may want to alter these messages from time to time, therefore a organization may have alternate versions of the a welcome message, etc.. The Business Message Manager lets an organization manage their alternative messages. Each message has an 'active' message and may have one or more alternate versions which can be activated as needed.

When a message version is activated it takes affect immediately.

A new version of a business message can be created by uploading a wave file. The wave file must conform to the following format:

  • 8000 Hz

  • Mono

  • Wav

  • 16bit

Any other formats will not play.

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