Zoho CRM - phone bridge

Zoho CRM - phone bridge

Zoho CRM has a standard module that allows it to do Click To Dial from within ZoHO using Noojee's PBX (Asterisk).

This document describes the process of installing Zoho Phone bridge into a Noojee PBX system.

Copy the attached init.d script 'zoho-phonebridge' to /etc/init.d/zoho-phonebridge

Run the following command so that the phone bridge starts up on boot:

sudo update-rc.d  zoho-phonebridge defaults

Install the zoho phone bridge by unziping the zoho zip file:

mkdir /opt/zohocrm
cd /opt/zohocrm
unzip ZohoCRM_CTI_Adapter_1_1_for_Asterisk_1_4.zip

Edit the "Zoho/ztiadapter/conf/zti.properties" file and configure the PhoneBridge Token.

You will need to obtain the token from the Zoho CRM team.

Edit the "Zoho/ztiadapter/teleadapters/asterisk14/conf/asterisk14.properties" file and configure the PBX details.

#Outgoing call context of Asterisk Server - change to 'default' for Noojee PBX

#Asterisk server details

Create a manager user

cd /etc/asterisk/manager.d
vi zohocrm.conf

Place the following in the manager.conf file:


Now reboot your machine and check that the service is running.

Check the logs which should look something like:

cd /opt/zohocrm/Zoho/ztiadapter/logs
cat ztilog.txt.0
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:16 AM com.adventnet.wms.servercommon.taskengine.TaskManager initialize
INFO: Task Manager intialized {tele=Task Engine : tele - 500 - 2, zoho=Task Engine : zoho - 500 - 2}
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:42 AM asterisk14.com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiimpl.ZTIAsterisk14Impl$AsteriskEvents <init>
INFO: Asterisk 1.4 - ASTERISK SERVER==>localhost, USERNAME==>zoho-phonebridge, password==>uNge3gee
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:43 AM asterisk14.com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiimpl.ZTIAsterisk14Impl$AsteriskEvents run
INFO: AsteriskEvents run .....
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:43 AM org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl connect
INFO: Connecting to localhost:5038
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:43 AM org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl setProtocolIdentifier
INFO: Connected via Asterisk Call Manager/1.0
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:44 AM org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl doLogin
INFO: Successfully logged in
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:44 AM org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl doLogin
INFO: Determined Asterisk version: Asterisk 1.6
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:44 AM org.asteriskjava.live.internal.AsteriskServerImpl initializeIfNeeded
INFO: Initializing done
Apr 16, 2014 11:40:44 AM asterisk14.com.zohocorp.zoho.ztiimpl.ZTIAsterisk14Impl$AsteriskEvents run
INFO: Channels []

You can use the standard ubuntu commands to start/stop a service.


sudo service zoho-phonebridge start