17.09. Campaign Allocation Statistics

17.09. Campaign Allocation Statistics


The Campaign Allocation Statistics report provides a break down of calls by Disposition. The report compares Dispositions at the start of the Allocation with the current Dispositions.

Intended Use

The Campaign Allocation Statistics report is intended to allow a supervisor to monitor the flow of leads. For many campaigns a lead may go through a number of stages which are recorded by a disposition code. This report provides a summary of how the dispositions have changed during the course of a campaign. For example you can see the number of leads which have changed from 'callback due' to 'Sale'.

If you are interested in conversion rates you should also look at the Campaign Goal report.





Field Description
Allocation Name of the Allocation.
Leads Allocated Number of leads allocated to the Allocation.
Total Calls The total number of calls made against the Allocation in the selected date range.
Total Time The total time Agents spent on calls for the Allocation in the selected date range.
Count (before) The number of leads that had the Disposition code when the Allocation was created.
Count (after) The current count of each Dispositions for the Allocation.

Refer to the Field Glossary for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.
