17.10. Campaign Goals

17.10. Campaign Goals


The Campaign Goals report provides a direct measure of an Agents performance and their efficency in obtaining the defined goals.

Intended Use

There are a number of key metrics when monitoring Campaign performance. The Campaign Goals report is designed to bring these key measures together in a single snapshot.

Setting Goals and measuring progress towards those goals allow a Campaign Manager to motivate and measure Agent performance.  Goals are normally defined to measure 'sales', 'appointments set' or any other 'valued' outcome of a campaign.

Whilst achieving targets is important, the efficency achieved whilst obtaining those goals is also important. Two key metrics are the amount of Time it takes the Agent to achieve those goals and the number of leads consumed to achieve the goals. 

The Talk time is a key factor in understanding an Agents efficiency. Agents who are either spending too little or to much time on a call are not operating efficiently.

The Conversion rate provides a measure of the number of leads an Agent consumed to achive the set targets. A high conversion rate is the sign of an efficient agent. It should however be remembered that the conversion rate is also a measure of the quality of the leads. Conversion rates should never be measured in isolation but rather compared to other team members working on the same Allocation.


  • Date Range
  • Campaign Template
  • Campaign
  • Allocation
  • Goal


Field Description
Agent The name of the agent the report has been run for.
Allocation/Campaign The name of the Agent, Allocation or Campaign the counts are displayed for.
Goal Target The Goal Target for each level (Allocation, Campaign, Agent). 
Goal Count The Goals achieved to date for each level (Allocation, Campaign, Agent).
Goal Perf. The Goal Performance achieved to date for each level (Allocation, Campaign, Agent).  The Goal Performance is expressed as percentage (Goal Count / Goal Target * 100).
Connected Number of 'connected' or 'live' calls it took to achive the given Goal Count.
Conversion % The percentage of 'connected' calls that resulted in a Goal.
Talk Time The total time the agents spent on the phone to achieve the Goal.
Avg. Talk Time The average time the agents spent talking on each connected call.
Max. Talk The maximum time the agent spent talking on any one call whist working towards the Goal Target.

Refer to the Field Glossary for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.
