05.2.3 Insert Lead Action

05.2.3 Insert Lead Action


The Insert Lead Action allows a lead to be copied to another Allocation.


The Insert Lead Action is useful when you have two teams working together to close an opportunity.

The first team may be responsible for cold calling leads and once they get a lead that shows some interest, the lead must be passed to a second team to close out.

In the above scenario leads would be first imported into an allocation from which the cold calls are made. When an agent marks a lead as 'Expressed Interest' the Insert Lead Action would be triggered and the lead would be copied to a second allocation. The team responsible for the close out would then dial the customer from the second allocation.


The Insert Lead Action is able to copy all of a leads fields to a second allocation. Once the lead has been copied it is essentially detached from the original lead. By detached we mean that the copied lead doesn't have the original leads 'call history' so essentially the copied lead is treated as a fresh lead. Whilst the lead is treated as a fresh lead all of the lead's fields (e.g. name, address, comments etc) will refelect the original leads details at the point in time that the new lead was detached.

When using the Insert Lead Action you would normally want the original lead to be set to a 'Finalised' state otherwise the lead could be called from both allocations.

Any changes to the origional lead after the copied lead is detached will NOT be reflect to the copied lead (or vice versa). The two leads are considered completely separate.


To use the Insert Lead Action you need to create an Action Disposition against one or more Dispositions.


Select the 'Insert Lead Action' from the 'Action' drop list.


Arguments to the Insert Lead Action control how a lead is mapped to the target allocation.

Required Arguments

CampaignName - the name of the target campaign

AllocationName - the name of the target allocation

Optional Arguments

By default the Insert Lead Action will attempt to map the original lead's fields to the new lead by trying to match field names between the two Campaign Templates. Any fields that match (the match is case-insensitive) are automatically copied to the new lead. If the fields don't match exacty you can pass field mapping arguments of the form:

<target fieldname>=<original fieldname>

System arguments

The Insert Lead Action also supports the full set of Noojee 06.02. System Fields as arguments.


CampaignName=Appointment Setters&AllocationName=Jun Appointments&njCallBackDate=AppointmentDate&njPriority=2&firstname=first_name&lastname=last_name

CallBack Dates

You will sometimes what to set a Callback date on the new lead. It would seem obvious to just set a callback on the original lead and then map the CallbackDate from the original lead to the new lead. This however will NOT work. The issue is that the original lead needs to be finalised and as such won't have a Callback date. Even if the original lead was not finalised and a Callback date was set you then have a problem as you now have two leads for the same person each with the same callback date.

The solution is to create a Campaign Template User field of type date. You can then use this to set an Appointment date and then map the appointment date to the njCallBackDate of the new lead. This however is probably not exactly what you want either as you probably want the Callback Date to be made a number of days or weeks before the Appointment date or maybe even a few days after the cold call was made. In these cases you can create an additional user field which is not actually displayed on the Screen Layout. The user field can then be set using12. Javascript based on some calculations e.g. 3 weeks before the appointment. The calculated user field can then be passed to the new lead as the callback date.


Each time an Action Disposition is fired an audit record is recorded which tracks all of the passed fields as well as the outcome of the call. You can access Audit Records via the menu : Record | Audit Trail

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