Noojee CTI Trouble Shooting

Noojee CTI Trouble Shooting

The Phone Utility Button doesn't appear in an App.

Possible Cause

Check that you have added the Open CTI Softphone Utility to the App.

If you have updated your Call Centre package from Noojee you may need to Remove and then Re-Add the Phone Utility.

Possible Cause

The user hasn't been added to the Call Centre.

The wrong Extension No. is displayed in the Phone Utility Page.

Check the User's Salesforce User Page and update their extension no.

Have the user log out and then log back in.

The Phone Utility page does open when the user is called.

Possible Cause:

Incorrect User Extension No. in the User's Salesforce User Page.

Possible Cause:

You haven't configured a Remote Site for your Noojee PBX.

Possible Cause:

Incorrect settings for your Call Centre.

Screen Pops occur on another user's desk

The user's Extension No. doesn't match the extension No. of the Noojee phone on their desk.

This is a common problem if staff change desks.

Package installation fails with error

You referenced an unsupported field type called 'Phone(encrypted)'.

Noojee CTI uses the Phone, MobilePhone and HomePhone fields on the Contact Object. If any of these fields are encrypted you will not be able to install the Noojee CTI package.

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