Breaks can be added in a number of ways.
1) Add an Exception a Break to the Agent's Template
2) Via the Roster UI (right click on an Agent's shift) and click theĀ
3) Automatically by the Auto Fill
Configuring Break types
You can add different Break types (e.g. Lunch, Tea Break...) to your WFM system via the Roster Schedule Types.
Navigate: Account | Roster Schedule Types
Adding Breaks
Break's can be added by creating an Exception a Break against an Agent's Template. For example when creating an Agent's Template you might create a Base Recurring Schedule which gives them a shift from 9am to 5pm each day.
You should then add an Exception a Break with a Type of 'Lunch' for each day of the week from 12pm to 1pm.
Now when the Agent is rosted rostered using the Auto Fill their Lunch break will be automatically added to their shift.
Roster UI
<add image of break being added to roster>
Automatic creation via the Auto Fill
When using the 'Auto Fill' function on the Roster screen the WFM system will automatically add Breaks to shifts that don't have a break defined.