Noojee Contact ships with 6 standard conferences rooms which can be easily expanded if required.
The available conference rooms are available by dialing:
Room | Extension No. |
10 | *10 |
11 | *11 |
12 | *12 |
13 | *13 |
14 | *14 |
15 | *15 |
Using Conference Rooms
Firstly you don't need to do anything to set up a conference room. Just dial the room number (e.g. dial '*10') and you are in the conference room.
You probably want to create a reservation system so that two groups don't try to use the one conference room at the same time.
There are a number of ways to get a delegate into a conference room.
Internal Users
You can use the conference system for internal users simply be each user dialing to the conference room at an agreed time.
Choose the conference room from the above list and just ask staff to dial the extension no.
Dial *10
Transferring External delegates
This method involves the delegates calling your existing main number, then a staff member transfers the call into the conference room.
- Answer call
- Blind Transfer
- Hit the 'Transfer' button
- Dial '*10', (or whatever the selected Room no. is).
- Transfer again
The delegate will be prompted to record their name and they they will enter the conference room.
If you are going to use this method you really need help from a second person to do the transferring as you should really be in the conference room greeting delegates as they enter the room.
IVR Option
Add an additional IVR option to your main no.
When someone calls your main no. you prompt with something similar to:
Dial 1 for Sales, 2 for Support, 3 for Accounts or 4 to join a conference.
This method requires you to set a PIN on the conference room to stop just anyone using your conference facility.
Talk to Noojee Support about the required IVR changes and on setting a pin.
Silent IVR
Similar to the above IVR Option the fourth option (to join a conference room) is not actually announced.
Instead you need to tell the delegates that they need to press 4 when the hear the IVR prompt.
This method has the benefit of not cluttering up your main IVR with an option that is only occasionally used.
Dedicated Phone No.
This method requires you to purchase an additional external phone number (e.g. 03 8320 8100) which is used just for you conference facility.
In this case when organising delegates just send them an email with your dedicated conference phone number.
Phone numbers are quite cheap so this is a fairly good option, this is usually the best option.
Again you will need to set a PIN on your conference facility.
Each Conference Room can host essentially an unlimited no. of participants.
The key limit is the number of telephone lines (technically we call them channels) your system has. Each delegate consumes a single channel (telephone line).
If you have a thirty channel limit then you can have only 30 delegates attending. But remember at that point the office won't be able to recieve any regular phone calls.
Talk to Noojee support if you are unsure how many channels your phone system has.
Background Noise
The real limits on the number of delegates depends on the amount of background noise each delegate is generating. With 20 delegates generating significant background noise the conference can become unworkable.
Using Mute to suppress background noise
Ideally you should organise delegates to mute their call when they are not speaking.