

Schedule Type

Schedule Type's are used to define how a scheduled item affects a roster.

There are a number of built in Schedule Types which define some of the fundemental operations of WFM. For these types you can only change the colour with which a schedule item of this type is displayed.

The primary purpose of Schedule Types for administrators is in creating Break types and Business Hours types.


Defining Break Types

The Schedule Type 'Roster' Allows you to create the different types of breaks that can be taken during a shift. Breaks must be marked as Subtractive (i.e. don't tick the 'Addivitive checkbox').

When creating a break you should enter the fields as described below:

NameName of the break. e.g. Lunch, Meeting, Tea Break
DescriptionAn expanded description of the type of break.
AdditiveLeave unchecked as Breaks 'subtract' from an allocated shift.
Use Agent's ColourLeave unchecked.
Background ColourSelect a colour that will be used on the Roster UI when displaying breaks of this type. Select a colour that isnt' used by any Agent otherwise the Breaks will be hard to see.
Font ColourThe colour of the Font to display the break name in.
ShowIf show is turned off then the break wouldn't show (as a colour coded block) but rather just leave a whole in the shift at the point it is allocated.
Counts for RequirementLeave off.

Defining Business Hours

Used when creating Business Hours to describe whether a a Schedule is Additive or Subtractive.

An Additive schedule adds to the hours that you are open for business whereas a Subtractive reduces your open hours.

For example you may create a Subtractive type of 'Public Holidays'. 

All other attributes are ignored.


The two built-in Types Available and Unavailable are normally sufficient.


The built-in Types Preferred and Dislike are normally sufficient.


Built-in Type is all that is required.


Built-in Type is all that is required.


There are 7 discrete types Availability, Requirements, Roster, Preferences, Contact Hours, Reservation, Leave, Template.

Each Type has a special meaning within the system and Schedule Type's  of a particular Type will only show in the system where they are appropriate to use.

For example: If a Schedule Type is defined as having a type of 'Leave' then this Schedule Type will be available to select from the 'Agent Management' screen when configuring leave for an agent.

AvailabilityUsed in 'Agent Management' when defining the availability for an agent.
RequirementsUsed internally by the system when forecasting.
RosterUsed when adding an agent to a roster.
PreferencesUsed in 'Agent Management' when defining the agents preferred working times.
Contact HoursUsed in 'Contact Hours' for defining periods when the 'Contact Hours' is closed.
ReservationUsed in 'Agent Management' when creating reservations which will appear on the roster.
LeaveUsed in 'Agent Management' when creating leave for an agent.
TemplateUsed in 'Agent Management' when creating a template for rosters.