Control Panel

Control Panel

The control panel allows you to import/export and manage your lead cleansing batches.

The 'Batches' tab display a list of all batches that you have uploaded into the system as well as their current status.

The 'Billing' tab displays a complete list of Billing transactions against your account.


To import a new batch of phone numbers to cleanse, simply click the 'Import' button and follow the detailed instructions provided by the Import wizard.

Purchasing Credit

If you run out of Credit you can purchase additional Cleansing Units by clicking the 'Buy Credit' button and entering your credit card details. Noojee does NOT retain your credit card details NOR will we ever automatically bill you card.


You can pause a running batch at any time by clicking the checkbox in the 'Pause' column for the applicable batch.

Batches can take a few minutes to be paused.


You can download a Finished or Paused batch at any time up until the Status of the batch is changed to 'Deleted'. All batches are automatically deleted 6 weeks after they complete or are paused.


Field Description
Client Your account name.
Name The name you gave the batch when you imported it.
Submitted The date/time the batch was imported.
Imported The number of leads contained in the csv file that was uploaded.
Accepted The number of leads accepted when the batch was uploaded. Leads can be rejected during the upload process if there is a duplicate phone no or an invalid phone no (e.g. it contains alpha characters).
Connected The no. of leads which have been identified as connected so far.
Disconnected The no. of leads which have been identified as disconnected so far.
Indeterminate The no. of leads whose status cannot be determined. This is often caused by old exchange that do not return a consistent response.
Retry The no. of leads which need to be retried.
Processed The no. of leads which have been processed so far.
Remaining The number of leads which are still to be processed completely.
Finished The date/time the batch finished processing.
Batch Id Every batch is given a unique no. to make it easy to identify individual batches. If you ever have a problem with a batch and need to contact Noojee please quote the batch Id.
Status The status of the batch.
Paused You can pause the batch by placing a check mark in the check box.
Download You can download a batch at any point during the processing. Normally you would wait until all leads have been processed before downloading the batch. If you download a partially complete batch all leads will be downloaded and the status of any leads which have completed will be marked accordingly.