Salesforce allows you to configure your softphone layouts which allows you to:
- Select the call details and Salesforce objects that are automatically displayed with inbound, outbound, and internal calls.
- A assign a softphone layout to a user profile
Noojee currently only supports popping softphone layouts for inbound calls.
If necessary you can create multiple softphone layouts for different user needs.
To configure softphone layouts in Salesforce:
Navigate to the Salesforce Setup menu
Search for Call Centers
Once you have created a Softphone Layout you can assign it a to one or more User Profiles.
Go to Softphone Layouts
Edit the 'STandard Softphoen Layout'
Select the 'Call Type' Inbound.
(do we need to check outbound?
Make any changes necessary for Inbound layouts.
Save when done.
Create a Softphone Layout Assigment