Roster Analysis

Roster Analysis

This page is designed to assist in determining the reason an agent is not in the expected queue.

Note the if a roster changes or the agent logs out or in, it will be necessary to reload this page.

To use this page:

  1. Select an Agent (top left corner)
  2. Select a Queue (top right corner)
  3. Select a Queue Threshold (to the left of the queue)
  4. Check the text in the bottom right corner to see if the agent can be in the queue.


For Rostered agents, if an agent isn't in the queue you expect them to be in. Follow this procedure:

  1. Select the agent.
  2. Select the queue.
  3. Select the queue's threshold that you expect them to be in.
Check Action
Check Login Mechanic is ROSTER If not, ask the agent to log out and log back in, selecting team as 'By Roster'
Check that there is a Start and End Roster shown If not check that there is a roster for this agent at the current time and that it is published.
Check that the Team is the expected team.  
Check that the Reseravation (if any) is correct for the roster.  
Check that the 'Agents Filtered Skills' is not empty. If the 'Agents Filtered Sklls' is empty, this indicates that the agent doesn't have any of the skills required for the reservation or team. Either add skills to the agent/team or remove the agent from the team
Check that the 'Agents Matching Skills' is not empty. If the 'Agents Matching Skills' is empty this indicates that the 'Agents Filtered Skills' doesn't have any skills which are in the selected 'Queue Thresholds' skills. This can be remedied by adding skills to the agent, threshold, team or reservation
Check that the 'Active Queue Agents' contains the selected agent. If all of the other checks are passed, contact support.

Across the top:

Field Description
Agent Select the agent from the list.
Login Mechanic

The Method by wich the agent is associated with queues.


Dynamic relates to Dynamic teams.

Roster relates to Rosters.

Legacy relates to the Skills only.

Roster Start The start time of the roster the agent is currently in (if any)
Roster End The end time of the roster the agent is currently in (if any)
Team The team the agent is associated with either Dynamically or by Roster.
Reservation The reservation that the agent is associated with via the roster.
Team Skills

Team Skills will only be visible if the agent is either logged into a 'Dynamic team' or a 'Rostered team', additionally Team Skills will not be visible if the agent is logged into a roster with a reservation.

Team Skills is the set of Skills associated with the team on the 'Team Management' screen.

The effective set of Skills the agent has will be filtered down to the common set of Skills that the agent and team have (intersection). This can be seen in the 'Agents Filtered Skills' section of the screen.

Reservation Skills

Reservation skills will only be visible if the agent is currently logged in by Roster and is currently rostered in to a reservation.

Reservation Skills is the set of Skills associated with the reservation template on the 'Reservation Templates' screen.

The effective set of Skills the agent has will be filtered down to the common set of Skills that the agent and reservation have (intersection). This can be seen in the 'Agents Filtered Skills' section of the screen.

Threshold Skills Threshold Skills is the set of skills configured for the Queues threshold on the Queue screen
Queue Thresholds Queue Thresholds is a list of the thresholds that the selected Queue has as configured on the Queue screen.
Team Queues

Only one of either 'Team Queues' or 'Queues" will be visible.

Team Queues is the list of queues associated with the rostered team.

When an agent is in a rostered team the set of queues that the agent may be in is reduced by the set of queues associated with the team.


Only one of either 'Team Queues' or 'Queues" will be visible.

Queues is the full list of queues configured in the Queue screen of Noojee Admin.

Across the bottom:

Field Description
Agent Skills

Agent Skills is the skills assigned to the Agent on the Accounts screen.

Agent Filtered Skills Agent Filtered Skills is the set of skills that the agent has in common with either the team or reservation.
Agents Matching Skills Agents Matching Skills is the set of skills that the 'Agents Matching Skills' as in common with the 'Threshold Skills'. If the agent has any common skills shown here the agent will be in the queue.
Active Queue Agents

'Active Queue Agents' shows the list of agents currently associated (but not necessarily logged in) with the selected Queue.

Status Indicates if the selected agent matches the selected Queue's Threshold's Skills.