Previous Session Terminated

Previous Session Terminated

Oops! You forgot to logout.

The system detected an old session, meaning that you forgot to logout from Noojee Admin.

Noojee Admin needs to ensure that you only have a single login session otherwise all sorts of nasty things can start happening (calls can go to the wrong person or be hungup).

To make certain nothing nasty can happen, Noojee Admin has just automatically logged you out of the old session.

If future please click the 'Logout' menu at the top of the screen. Simply closing the browser will NOT log you out.

You can now click the 'Finish' button and go on your merry way.

Hosted Customers - you just wasted some money!

If you are a Noojee Campaigner (dialer) hosted customer, then you have just wasted some money. Noojee's system bills you for the entire time you are logged in.

For a whole heap of technical reasons (involving words like bits, bytes, bugs and hexadecimal) Noojee's system can't always tell if you have finished working in Noojee Admin. As such the system keeps billing you until you actually logout.

Remember: closing your browser does NOT log you out. You MUST click the Logout menu item near the top of the page.