Handset Status

Handset Status

Handset Status

This page displays the status of each Handset (phone) attached to the system.

The Status column is the most important of the fields. For a phone to be usuable it should display:

OK (30ms)

The quantity of 'ms' (milliseconds) may vary.

The 'ms' is a measure of the speed of the connection between the phone and this telephone system. 


Values in this range are considered excellent


Values in this range are considered acceptable.

300+ ms

Values greater than 300ms are likely to cause 'lag'. When a phone is 'lagged' there will be noticiable delays in the other party responding (similar to what can happen on an international call). Lag can also cause 'echo' on the phone line.

If the Status displays any value other than 'OK' then you hava problem with the handset.

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