


System maintenance screen which allows an Administrator to trigger certain background tasks.

Data Migration

Causes the recording migration and backup process to run.

The migration also causes a database backup to occur.

Data Migration Audit

Causes the Data Migration Audit to run.

The Audit checks that all expected recordings and database backups exist and are stored in the correct location.

Sync Routes

Pushes the Call Routes out the DNS services so that they are availble to the underlying Asterisk system.

Sync Recording

Pushesthe Recording settingsĀ out the DNS services so that they are availble to the underlying Asterisk system.

Midnight Stats Reset

Force a reset of daily statistics that usually occurs at midnight each night.

Queue Log Repair

TODO: ask robert

Flush JPA Cache

Forces the JPA Cache to be flushed and reloaded from the database. This can be required if there have been any direct database updates.