

Skills provide the basis within Noojee to implement which is often referred to as Skills based Routing.

The concept of Skills based Routing is to have the system automatically route calls to agents which have the necessary skills to answer the call.

Noojee distributes calls to Agents via Queues, so in a typical scenario you create a Route to handle inbound calls and the Route then places the calls in a Queue. The Queue is then configured to distribute the calls to a list of agents that are mapped into that queue.

Skills provide a way to map Agents to Queues without having to individually add each agent to each Queue.

Skills are typically used in larger call centres that have many agents and many queues. They can also useful in smaller contact centres.

The concept of a Skill is that Agent's may have one or more Skills which they might have acquired through training or experience.

Queues may require that an Agent has a specific skill in order to handle calls that arrive in the Queue.

To use Skills you need to:

  • Create the set of defined skills via this page.
  • Add defined Skills to each Agent according to the compentancy.
  • Add the Skills to a Queue that are required to answer the call.

Having set up the skills, when an agent logs into Noojee Vision the system will automatically log them into each Queue for which they have the required skill.