Noojee Click for AJAX

Noojee Click for AJAX


Noojee Click for AJAX is an AJAX based telephone dialing component for use in web pages when an Asterisk server is available to dial numbers. Noojee Click for AJAX is delivered as an AJAX library, written using Google's Web Toolkit (GWT) providing the abilty to add a Dial button to each phone number in your Web Application.  The user clicks the Dial button to start a call and a NoojeeClick notification area shows call progress and a hangup button.


The system consists of 3 components:
    1. The AJAX web page component
    2. The web service
    3. The Asterisk back­end

AJAX web page component

The AJAX web page component is designed to be embedded into a standard HTML web page. The user is presented with a Dial button associated with each phone number. When a users clicks on the Dial button the component reads the dialing parameters, phone number and agents extension from the HTML page. A request is then sent to the web service to make the call. While the call is in progress a notification area is displayed which includes a Hangup button and the Status label shows call progress details.
When on a call, clicking the  Hang up button, hangs up both ends of the call. If either ends hang up before the Hang up button is clicked then the Status label is updated to reflect that the call has been Hung up and the notification area is automatically hidden.