Encryption Setup Configuration
Certificate Details
To enable encryption we need to generate a special certificate. You don't need to worry about the details (which is just as well as you just about need a PhD in maths to understand what it does anyway).
Account Password
To start the process you need to enter your Noojee Admin account password.
The Name should be your organisation name followed by our product name which in this case is Noojee Recorder.
The email address should be an company wide email address such as 'support@yourorg.com.au' or if you don't have one of those then user your own email address.
Allow decryption by Noojee Telephony
This last option requires a business decision probably by a senior manager.
In the first page of help for this wizard we stated that if you loose your keys then Noojee cannot help recover your recordings. Well, we lied, a little bit at least. If you leave this option enabled then in the event that you do lose your keys Noojee MAY be able to recover your recordings. Noojee in no way guarantees that we can recover your recordings but there is a reasonable chance that we can.
The problem with enabling this option is that Noojee will have access to your recordings (if we chose to make the effort). Noojee will not actually access your recordings unless you explicitly request us to do so, but the potential for Noojee or a hypothetical rogue staff member to access and/or mis-use the recordings does exist.
So you now need to make a decision as to which way to go. If you are not a senior manager then we strongly suggest that you consult with management before proceeding.