Encryption Setup Preamble

Encryption Setup Preamble

Encryption Setup

Before you proceed please ensure that you understand the possible ramifications of enabling Encrypted Recordings.

Encrypting your recordings provide a significiant improvement to the security of your recordings which may hold valuable data.

e.g credit card no.s which have been read out during a phone conversation.

Encrypting your recordings is an excellent idea; however, if you don't manage your system well, it can result in the complete LOSS OF ALL RECORDINGS.

The wizard you are about to run will generate a set of keys that you will need to store on a USB drive and then store the USB drive in a safe. Noojee recommends that you actually make a second copy of the keys on a second USB drive and keep that in an alternate secure location (e.g. off site).

In the event of any system failure the ONLY way you can recover recordings is via the keys stored on the above USB drive. If you lose that USB drive or it becomes corrupt Noojee will NOT be able to restore recordings not even from a backup (as these too are encrypted).

If you have understood all of the above and KNOW that you can manage your keys appropriately, then go ahead and proceed with the setup.

If you haven't understood the above, then STOP NOW and talk to Noojee before proceeding.