Phone Fields and Field Mappings

Phone Fields and Field Mappings

Select Phone Fields

Noojee Campaigner allows you to select one or more fields as containing Phone numbers which can be dialed.

Select each field, that you want to dial, by placing a tick next to the field name.

Note: all fields will be imported. ONLY select the fields that contain Phone No's.

When importing phone numbers, Noojee Campaigner will match each phone number against the set of Campaigner Phone Number Patterns (Campaign | Phone Patterns).

When a Phone Number matches a Pattern the patterns rules will be applied to the no.. Phone Pattern rules a setup to automatically replace leading '0' on phone numbers if your spreadsheet has removed them.

Note: phone numbers MUST include the Area code e.g. '02 9234 1234' NOT '9234 1234'. You can however use Phone Patterns to add the Area code if necessary.

If a Phone Number does not match a Phone Pattern then the phone no. will be rejected. If no phone no. in a lead match any Phone Pattern then the entire lead will be rejected.

Field Mapping Status

The Field Mappings panel checks each column found in the imported csv file against the set of fields defined in your Campaign Template.

If a column heading in the CSV file does not match a field in the Campaign Template then an error message will be displayed in the Status column. You can still import the leads but any data in these columns will be ignored.

If the Status column displays OK for every field then you are right to import. If not then check your CSV file to ensure it contains the correct column headings.

In some cases you will have a Campaign Template field that is missing from the spreadsheet. In some cases this is OK. For instance if you have created a 'Notes' field in the Campaign Template then you wouldn't expect to see a Notes column in the spreadsheet.

Check each error to ensure you understand the source of the error and that it isn't a real problem before proceeding.

Field Mapping Errors

The following errors can be displayed in the 'Status' column.

Error Meaning How to fix the problem
OK The column maps correctly and will import as expected. No action is required. Life is good.
Phone Field Missing The Campaign Template contains a Phone Number Field that isn't in the selected spreadsheet.

This is BAD. You need to fix the problem!

Check you have the right spreadsheet.

If you have multiple Phone fields and just one is missing then you may be able to get away with ignoring this error.

Column missing in speadsheet, field will be blank

The Campaign Template contains a field that isn't in the selected spreadsheet.

Check that you are importing the correct spreadsheet. You can ignore this warning if you have created additional fields in the Campaign Template that you know aren't in your spreadsheet.

e.g. a Notes field.

Unexpected column in spreadsheet, will not be imported

You have an extra column in your spreadsheet. Any data in the column will be ignored and not imported.

Check that you are importing the correct spreadsheet.

You can add a new Field to the Campaign Template if you want to import the extra column.