Callback Formats and Duplicates

Callback Formats and Duplicates


Controls how duplicate phone numbers are handled. The following options are available:

Allow duplicate phone numbers for unique callback dates

This is an advanced option.

If you are importing leads that have a call back date (i.e. a column heading of 'njCallbackDate') then selecting this option will allows leads with a date in the njCallbackDate column to have a phone number which may be duplicated by another lead in the same import. Each lead in the import with a shared phone number must have a different njCallbackDate date.

The idea behind the duplicated phone numbers is to allow you to import a series of defined callback dates/times for a specific leads.

Don't allow duplicate phone numbers

This option should be used at ALL times unless you are running a test or importing callbacks.

Selecting this option will remove any leads with duplicate phone numbers. In the case of leads with multiple phone numbers the lead will be imported as long as it has at least one non-duplicate number with any duplicate numbers being marked as blocked.

Allow duplicate phone numbers (for testing only)

This option should ONLY be used when TESTING.

When you are first setting up a campaign you may want to perform some testing to ensure that the screen layout, disposition codes etc are working correctly. When doing this type of testing you don't normally want to ring real leads.

To test a campaign you should import a set of leads that all contain the same phone number (e.g. your mobile number). This will allow you to call leads and answer them on your mobile. You can then test the screen layout and set of dispositions without annoying your customers.

Callback Date/Time Format

When importing leads you can also import a callback date with each lead. This will cause the lead to be scheduled for a call on the associated callback date.

If you have a Callback date column in your import source then you must select the date format that matches of the Callback Date values n your import source (CSV file).

If you don't have any Callback dates in your import source you can just leave the default setting.