05. Enhancements

05. Enhancements

Reboot Option

Add a 'reboot' option in the .xml file

This would be a URL specific to the manufacturer which when sent would cause the phone to reboot (not all phones will support this).

This would be used in two scenarios. One command line tool which would be able to reboot a list of phones (by extension or mac address).

A gui option to reboot a list of phones (using checkboxes in place of the drill down radio buttons and an action button).

Extension Ranges

Allow the adminstrator to configure multiple extension ranges for each manufacturer.

Extend supported file size

Currently Noojee Provision's TFTP service supports a maximum file size of 32MB.

Low Priority Enhancements

After Noojee Provision has configured the phone an administrator should be able to log into the web site and see a list of newly configured phones.

Selecting an entry would allow the administrator to link the extension to an account (possibly creating the account on the way through).

TFTP Pass through mode.

Some organizations may have an exsiting TFTP server. In these cases we should support a pass through mode. The TFTP protcol allows an initial response packet  to redirect the request to an alternate server.  We should provide an option where any unknown file request is passed through or alternatively requests for a specific file are passed through.

TFTP generic mode (And or http mode)

Allow the user to specify a directory (or directory tree) where they can drop files for downloading via TFTP.

All the creation of specific template files for specific phones via mac address or possibly extension (would only work after a general template had been assigned and a second reboot forced e.g. the extension would need to be assigned first).

Allow all fields of sip_buddies & voice mail tables to be set via .xml.

Speed Dials

A user should be able to set a speed dial for each of the programmable buttons on their handset.

The system should allow a default set of template speed dials which can be applied to any user. This would allow large corporates which have groups of people which share a common speed dial to be easily maintained. Changes to the template should affect each user of the template.

User should also be able to specify a set of unique speed dials which either over-ride or add to the base template.

Firmware upgrades  

Ability to view the firmware version run by each phone on the network as well as the the abilty to upload a new version of the firmware. 

An Administrator should be able to upload a firmware file via the web interface and designate the manufacturer/model of phone that the firmware applies to including defining any dependancies (e.g. phones must be upgraded to an earlier firmware version first. 

Once uploaded the user should be able to 'push' the firmware out to a select group of phones or to all phones.

The system shouldn't let a user 'downgrade' a firmware without first warning them.