Sales Force - iframe

Sales Force - iframe

If you want to 'iframe' salesforce within Noojee then you need to tweak its iframe settings as below:

The X-Frame-Options header tells a browser (all new browsers support this fea

ture) if displaying a web page from within an iframe is allowed.

Setting it’s value to “deny” tells browsers not to display the page within an iframe.

SalesForce started  on summer 13, to add the X-Frame-Options header to their web pages.

A salesforce admin can add or remove this header from his pages by going to:

Setup -> Security Controls -> Session Settings

On that page, under “Clickjack Protection”  you can add or remove this header from your org’s pages (setup pages, salesforce pages or visualforce pages).

The only page that cannot be changed is the login page.

The login page has the X-Frame-Options set to “deny” therefor cannot be displayed from within an iframe.

A ticket to salesforce was issued and they replied that it cannot be changed.



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