Is After Hours

Is After Hours

Is After Hours

The Action Script Is Agter Hours provides the ability to modify a routes flow depending on whether the business is currently open or not.

Noojee Contact allows you to define your operating hours either across your whole business or for individual departments.

The Is After Hours Action Script can be configured to check a particular set of Contact Hours and return true or false based on whether they are currently with in those Contact Hours.

The branch can either take place based in it being within the contact hours or being outside of the contact hours.

It should be note that Public Holidays and other exceptions to the normal contact hours can also be configured for each set of Contact Hours. These exceptions will be honoured by this Action Script.

Note: the Contact Hours you create should define your 'Business Hours' NOT your 'Out of hours'. If you define your 'Out Of Hours' then you will have to deal with a double negative.


Contact Hours

Selects from one of the defined sets of Contact Hours to consider when making the branching choice.


If you select a Route the call will be routed to the selected Route if it is currently outside of the selected Contact Hours.

If the Route is left blank then no action will be take regardless of whether it is within or outside of the Contact Hours. In this case look at the operation of the Variable.

If the Route is called then no further steps in the current route will be executed.


The name of a Variable to store the true or false based on whether we are within the Contact Hours or not.

If the call occurs during the selected Contact Hours the variable's value will be set to false.

If the call occurs outside the selected Contact Hours the variable's value will be set to true.