


Log is a handy debugging tool that allows you to output messages to the Noojee Contact debugging console.

Log allows you to specify a logging Level and a message to be displayed in the log.


The logging Level interacts with the debugging console when only log messages that are at the same level or higher the debug consoles currently logging level will be displayed.

The level of Log Level from lowest to highest.

  • debug
  • info 
  • warn
  • error

So if your Log step is set to 'debug' and the console is currently operating at 'info' level then you log statement won't be output.


The message allows you type type any text you want to output to the debug console.

The message area also support outputing the value of a Route variable by using the following notation:

${route variable name}



The caller id is ${nj.sourceNo} and they selected option ${departmentOption}.

You can find a list of built-in route variables here:

Route Variables