Voice Mail

Voice Mail

Voice Mail

Routes a call to a staff members voicemail box so the caller can leave a message.

Target Type

Select the method of determining which voicemail box to send the call to.

From DID

From DID is able to extract the voicemail box from the last 'n' digits of the DID that was dialed.

This technique is useful when each staff member has their own DID.


Handset allows you to send the call to the voicemail box attached to the selected handset.

Voicemail Box

'Voicemail Box' allows you to send the call to the selected voicemail box.

'Variable' the voicemail Box no. is taken from the given Route Script variable.

Voicemail Box

The no. of the staff members voicemail box.

From DID

The 'From DID' method Routes a call to a users voicemail box on the assumption that the last few digits of the DID are also the staff member's voicemail box no.

Extension Length

The 'Extension Length' used to determine how many of the DID digits (starting from the end) are to be used as the Voicemail box no.

No Intro message

On entry to a voicemail box a standard intro is normally played asking the user to leave a message then press # or just hangup to end the message.

If you want to change this message use this option to suppress the standard intro message and add a Playback step before this step to play your own custom message.

The most common usage is when you don't want the user to hangup after leaving the message.

Hangup on Success

Stop proceeding with route after call is answered by this voicemail step. This is useful if a voicemail box doesn't exist and you wish to handle the call in other steps, otherwise terminate call after leaving a voicemail.


A staff member has a Direct In Dial (DID) number of 03 8320 8111 and their voicemail box is 111. i.e. the last three digits of their DID.

In this case you would set the Extension Length to three (3) indicating that the last 3 digits of the DID are to be used as the voicemail box.

So 03 8320 8111 becomes VoiceMail box 111.