PBX Installation
Noojee maintains a package repository to simplify the building of a Noojee based PBX. The following document describes the process of installing a complete Noojee based PBX using Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, assuming that you are using Linux as your server operating system.
If you have any problems during the install you can contact Noojee Support on +613 8320 8100 or support@noojee.com.au.
Install Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64 bit
Start by installing Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64 bit edition.
NTS recommend using the 64 bit edition.
During the install select the OpenSSH Server
After installation, ensure all packages are up to date:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Uninstall ureadahead
ureadahead has been reported to cause problems on Ubuntu 10.04 on some hardware, so uninstall it:
sudo apt-get purge ureadahead
Install SSH
For install on a workstation...
You will need SSH access to the server for maintenance so run the following command on your workstation:
sudo apt-get install ssh
It also generally easier to perform the following task from an ssh terminal session as you can cut and paste commands as needed.
Set the default shell
Run the following command and say 'no' to using dash as sh.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
Add the Noojee Repository
Download and Save the following file to your home directory and then copy it to the ubuntu server:
Lucid: http://apt.noojeeit.com.au/nit-repo_4_all.deb (Ubuntu 10.04)
Now copy the deb package to the Ubuntu server using scp.
sudo scp ~/nit-repo_*_all.deb [username]@[ubuntu_server]:
Replace [username] with the username you created whilst installing the ubuntu server.
Replace [ubuntu_server] with the ip address or host name of the ubuntu server.
SSH to the ubuntu server and install the package
sudo dpkg -i nit-repo_*_all.deb sudo apt-get update
Pin the Noojee Repository for Synaptic (Desktop Systems Only)
If you are on a desktop machine, to stop Synaptic over-writing the Noojee packages you need to pin the Noojee in Synaptic (the package pins APT)
sudo sh -c "cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/00nit >> /var/lib/synaptic/preferences" sudo apt-get update
Install and configure MySQL
Before installing the Noojee packages you need to first install MySQL. During the install you will be prompted to set the root password. The mysql root password MUST be retained for future maintenance.
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
If you have problems with the MySQL Password check out the article Reset MySQL Password.
Noojee Admin requries that the MySQL database is run in case insensitive mode
Edit the file:
sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Find the section:
Add the following lines under that section:
# for Noojee Admin lower_case_table_names = 1
Note: you must then restart My SQL for the change to take affect
sudo restart mysql
Install Tomcat
As of Ubuntu 10.04, the sun-java6-jre package has been moved into the partner repository, which is commented out by default. You will need to uncomment this in your sources list as below.
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
Update your package index.
sudo apt-get update
Install Tomcat:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre tomcat6
Install packages
Run the following command to install each of the required packages:
Now install dahdi and the linux headers it depends on.
sudo apt-get install dahdi
Note that the above step will not automatically install the firmware required for Digium cards, Astribanks, etc. Get that with:
sudo apt-get install dahdi-firmware-nonfree
To allow you to configure the MySQL databases correctly, dbconfig must be installed and reconfigured to allow connections to remote databases.
sudo apt-get install dbconfig-common sudo dpkg-reconfigure dbconfig-common
Now install the Noojee specific packages including our version of asterisk
sudo apt-get install njadmin
This will install asterisk, apache, tomcat, mysql and Noojee Admin.
During installations above, you will be prompted for a number of MySQL details for various pieces of software. The important answers are:
Question | Response |
Keep "administrative" database passwords? | No |
Will this server be used to access remote databases? | Yes |
Configure database for <packagename> with dbconfig-common? | Yes |
Connection method for MySQL database of <packagename>: | tcp/ip |
Host name of the database server for <packagename>: | localhost |
Port number for the service: | 3306 |
Name of the database's administrative user: | root |
Password of the database's administrative user: | <your_MySQL_root_password> |
username for <packagename>: | Usually this is 'asterisk', but can be anything you like. The default is pre-filled. |
password for <packagename>: | Auto-generated if left blank (but please enter) |
database name for <packagename>: | The default is pre-filled. |
If you are prompted to overwrite any files, the correct answer is usually Install the package maintainer's version of the file
, but you must always check (using the diff option) to make sure that you are not overwriting client-specific changes. This will not occur during installation, but during updates it is critical to make these checks.
If you get an error during the install that relates to the database you can check for an error log in:
where $$ will be replace by a random integer.
The PBX uses DNS lookups to gather a lot of required information, such as routes, white pages entries, etc. Make sure these lines appear as the first two lines of /etc/resolv.conf:
Test Noojee Admin
You should now be able to login to Noojee Admin using a web browser.
Simply type in the address of the server e.g.
Post Installation process
Contact Noojee on +613 8320 8100 or support@noojee.com.au