DNCR Wash Automation

DNCR Wash Automation

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Noojee Campaigner can automatically send phone numbers to the "Do Not Call Register" for washing before agents begin dialing the numbers.

DNC must be enabled for each new Campaign Template created.

When a new allocation is created Noojee Campaigner will automatically send the list of phone numbers to the the "Do Not Call Register" for washing. The allocation will be put into a special state called "DNCR Pending", while in this state the allocation will not be available to the agents. Once washing is completed the allocation will (optionally) be started and made available to the agents for dialing.

Leads marked as "Approved Callback" will not be affected by the washing process.

Individual phone numbers of a lead will be marked as Blocked(DNCR), these numbers can not be dialed.

When the DNCR wash expires, the leads will automatically be finalised. The allocation can be rewashed and the leads will automatically be returned to their prior state if they are still not on the DNCR list. Leads that have been finalised by an agent will not be rewashed


DNCR Account

An DNCR account with SFTP access is required. An account can be created online by visiting DNCR. SFTP access application can not be done online currently, make contact with DNCR by email or phone to arrange this.


An External Connection must be setup for DNCR Washing to work. Required Fields for a DNC connection type are

Username, Password, Type, DNC Upload Path & DNC Download Path. The Type must be "DNC", the rest of the information comes from DNCR when the account is set up.

For testing purposes a Type of "DNCR Loop Back" exists. This will fake DNCR processing with a random 50% DNCR rate for phone numbers.


After a "Campaign Template" is created, on the dialer tab of the "Campaign Template" is the "Enable DNC" option, you must accept the disclaimer and select the "DNC Connection" as setup according to the "Configuring" section.

Also set "DNC Expiry Days" - the default value is 30, check with DNCR for the correct number of days.

- Dont forget to click save.


When an allocation is created a "DNCR Wash Job" is automatically created  and submitted to the DNCR. "DNCR Wash Jobs" can be viewed by clicking on the Wash button of the "Campaign Control Panel".

Check the "Status", if an error occurs you may "Re-Submit" the leads to the DNCR by clicking "Re-Submit".

The system will send an email to the account that created the allocation when DNCR washing completes.

Be aware that you will encounter charges from the DNCR when resubmitting.


An allocation may be rewashed at any time from the "DNCR Wash Jobs" screen. It is generally a good idea to resubmit leads for washing a day before they expire so as to avoid agents waiting for washing to complete when leads have expired. 

Expired leads will be re-activiated by Rewashing.

Be aware that you will encounter charges from the DNCR when resubmitting.


DNCR lead expiry takes place once per day at approximately midnight. If a lead has reached it's expiry date and has not been finialised by a disposition and is not an "Approved Callback", it will be finialised without a disposition.

When leads are automatically expired an email will be sent to the systems "Administrator Email Address", which can be configured under "System settings"

see Rewashing for details on reactivating expired leads.

Approved Callbacks

If a lead is marked as "Approved Callback" it is not subject to DNCR washing and will not be submitted to the DNCR for washing and also will not be expired automatically.