Campaign Creation Application form

Campaign Creation Application form

Noojee Campaigner allows you to create all of the elements of a campaign via its web interface.

Noojee also offers a service whereby we will remotely login to your system and set up all of the elements of a campaign.

As part of your Noojee Campaigner deployment, Noojee will setup your first campaign.

Occasionally organisations may also want help in creating more complex campaigns post the initial deployment.

In either case you will need to fill out the following form and email it to support@noojee.com.au.

An MS-Word version of this form is attached. You may find it easier to use the attached MS-Word document which you can then email to support@noojee.com.au.

Campaign Details

When creating a campaign for you Noojee will actually create a re-usable template which we refer to as a 04. Campaign Template. Once Noojee has created the Campaign Template you can import a set of leads at any time to create a campaign based on the template that Noojee has created. 

A Campaign Template defines the following features of a campaign:

  • 05. Screen Layouts (script)
  • 06. Fields - the set of fields to be imported from a CSV (spreadsheet) file.
  • 07. Dispositions - the set of dispositions (call outcomes)
  • Dialer Controls - e.g. wrap time, preview time, dialer type (preview, predictive...).
  • 08. Stop Codes - the set of codes Agents must select from whenever they stop the Dialer

The following form asks a series of questions about how you want your Campaign Template setup.



The name of the Campaign Template. This is only visible to the Campaign Manager and should be something meaningful to you e.g. Solar Appointments.


A descriptive text as to what the Campaign Template is to be used for. This should be something that reminds you want the Campaign Template is intended to be used for (when you look back at in in 2 years time ;) ).

Wrap Period: Manual or Seconds: ______

The default time after each call that the agent has to complete any post call work or to releax for a moment.  The wrap can either be set to manual in which case the agent can choose when to end the wrap period or it can be set to a number of seconds in which case a timer will be displayed to the agent which counts down the wrap time. When the wrap ends the dialer starts dialing the next number(s).

No Answer Retry Limit: ____   (3 recommend)

This controls the number of tImes the system will call the same lead when no one answers.  There are several types of calls which are considered a No Answer including an Answering Machine.

No Answer Retry Interval: _____  (180 minutes recommended)

The interval between No Answer retry. No Answers are considered to be a low priority and will not be re-tried whilst there are other higher priority calls in the system (e.g. New Leads, Client Approved Callbacks).

Approved Callback No Answer Retry Limit: _____ (6 recommended)

The number of times a customer approved callback can be retried. Customer approved callbacks are those where the customer explicitly asked the Agent to call them back. it is generally considered reasonable to retry a customer that has requested a callback a greater number of times than a customer that has simply not answered the phone.

Approved Callback No Answer Retry Lock: _____  (1440 minutes [1 day] recommended)

The time between attempts to retry a customer approved callback when then haven't answered a call.

Dial Timeout:  _____ (16 seconds recommended)

The amount of time that the dialer should spend making a call before it considers it making a no answer. Note this time includes the time to establish a connection as well as the ring time. When calling Mobiles the time required to establish a connection to the mobile phone can be up to 10 seconds. If you reduce this value too much then every mobile call will appear as a no answer. Generally this timeout should not be less than 12 seconds.


Dialer Mode: Preview, Multi-Dial, Pooled, Pre-emptive or Predictive

Refer to the 12.3. Dial Mode page for details of each of the Dialer modes.

For warm leads we recommend Preview, for cold calling Pooled or for larger Call Centres (>12 Agents) Predictive.

Preview Mode details

If you selected Preview as the dialler mode please fill in the following details:

Preview Period:  Manual or Seconds: _______

Pooled Mode details

If you selected Pooled Mode as the dialler mode please fill in the following details:

Minimum pool size: ____ (2 recommended)

Pool growth ratio: ____  (1.0 recommended)

Predictive Mode details

If you selected Predictive Mode as the dialler mode please fill in the following details:

Minimum pool size: ____ (2 recommended)

Pool growth ratio: ____  (1.0 recommended)

Caller ID

Noojee Campaigner is able to either display or hide your Caller ID on a per campaign basis.

ACMA requires that the Caller ID must be displayed for calls that fall under the DNC legislation (B2C calls). For all other calls Noojee recommends that you hide your Caller ID as this actually helps reduce the likelihood that customers will feel they are being harrased in cases where they recieve a missed call.

Show Caller ID  Yes/No

If yes then what number do you want displayed? _____________________ (Note: this may not be a 13XX or 18XX number)


Stop Codes: 

When an agent stops the dailer they must provide a reason for doing so, these are called stop codes.

The system includes a number of 13. Stop Codes.

Please provide a list of additional Stop Codes that you require.

Name Description

Disposition Codes:

When a call is completed the outcome of the call must be recorded, these are called Disposition Codes.

NOTE: This section is critical to the successful operation of your dialer!!

Please carefully read the article on 07. Dispositions. If you are not certain what is required please contact our support team for advice.

Please provide a list of additional Disposition Codes:

If the disposition should result in the lead being finalised (i.e. no further calls are required) then ONLY filly out Name, Description and Wrap time. All other fields should be left blank.

Name Description Wrap Time Count as No Answer Add to Private DNC Callback Required Client Appproved Callback Priority Default Callback Interval

Import Fields

Please provide a list of the fields that are going to be imported for each lead in the campaign. These should come from the column heading in the CSV file (spreadsheet) that contains the leads that you are going to import into Noojee Campaigner.

Refer to the 06. Fields page for details on the available field types.

For Droplists and Radio buttons you MUST provide a list of the possible values for each field.


Label Field Type Values (droplists and radio)


Please provide any words which are to be displayed to the agent as the on screen script.  It may be useful to lay the script out using Excel or Word. The script may contain any of the above fields. You can denote a field in the layout using the following format <FieldName> where FieldName is a one of the Labels listed in the above table.

We usually recommend that the fields are laid out in a single column on the left handside of the screen with the script laid out in an adjacent column on the right hand side of the screen.

Sample Screen Layout:

Sample Data

To allow the campaign to be created accurately we require a sample CSV file which contains all of the actual fields which will be used in the actual campaign. We STRONGLY recommend that you send a real sample of the data to ensure that testing is accurate. Usually 10 leads is sufficient. If you wish you can modify the phone and contact details if privacy issues are of concern. The supplied data will only be used for testing purposes.

If you are not certain how to create a CSV file you can refer to our wiki page that describes how to create a CSV file using  18.02 MS-Excel or 18.01 MS-Access.

We also have an article on 03.01. Preparing Leadswhich may be helpful.

Speed Tests

If you are using the Hosted version of Noojee Campaigner, or using a VoIP (SIP) voice service then it is CRITICAL that you have an internet connection with sufficient capacity. Noojee recommends that you install a dedicated service to ensure that other staff activity does not impact on your call quality.

You can do a simple speed test on your existing network by following our Speed Diagnostics.

Once you have run the speed test please enter the following details here:

Ping Time: ______

Ping times should ideally be 50ms or less. You can get away with 100 ms but above 300 ms you will notice a definite delay when speaking to a customer.

Download Speed: ______

You need around 0.2 Mbps per agent. So a connection which is running at 1.2 Mbps can handle 6 agents.

Upload Speed: ______

You need around 0.1 Mpbs per agent. So a connection which is running at 0.6 Mbps can handle 6 agents.

Note: The speed test gives you a snaphot of available speed at the time you run the test. In many locations and depending on the type of connection your speed may vary based on time of day or day of week. In particular many locations slow dow after 3pm (when the kids get home from school). We advise that you run a speed test across mulitple days and at different times. See the Speed Diagnostics for additional information.

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