04.1. Snom Configuration Details

04.1. Snom Configuration Details


# example snom settings file

# After each setting (before the colon) you can set a flag, which means respectively:
# ! means writeable by the user, but will not overwrite existing
# $ means writeable by the user, but will overwrite existing (available since version 4.2)
# & (or no flag) means read only, but will overwrite existing

# more settings can be found at the settings (dump) page of the phone's build in webinterface

# Language and Time settings

language$: English
web_language$: English
timezone$: $Timezone
date_us_format&: off
time_24_format&: off

country_prefix&: $CountryCode
area_prefix&: $AreaCode

# turn off ability to redirect the phone to another number

# turn off ability to use Do Not Distrub
dnd_mode&: off
no_dnd&: on

# stop sending SIP Publish commands as asteriks doesn't support it
#publish_presence&: off

# First account

user_pname1$: $AsteriskUsername
user_pass1$: $AsteriskPassword
user_name1$: $Extension
user_realname1$: CLID
user_host1$: $AsteriskServer
user_srtp1$: off
# user_dp_str1$: !([^#]%2b)#!sip:\1@\d!d

# Second account

#user_pname2$: AUTHUSER2
#user_pass2$: AUTHPASSWORD2
#user_name2$: LINEPORT2
#user_realname2$: CLID2
#user_host2$: $AsteriskServer
#user_srtp2$: off
# user_dp_str2$: !([^#]%2b)#!sip:\1@\d!d

# You may add up to 12 accounts

# set second account to active outgoing identity
active_line$: 1

# in order to perform automated updates, define the firmware setting file URL
# where you specify the final firmware image URL
firmware_status: http://prov.company.com/settings/firmware.htm

#define also the update policy here
# valid values are <auto_update>, <ask_for_update>, <never_update_firm>,
# <never_update_boot>, <settings_only>
update_policy: auto_update

#define the firmware update interval here, amount in minutes, default is 1440 = 1 day
firmware_interval: 2880

#set ($sd = 0)
#foreach ($item in $Directory)
	#if( $item.Contact && $item.Contact != $Extension)

		fkey$sd: dest $item.getContact()
	#set ($sd = $sd + 1)
