Steal Extension
Did you enter the correct phone Extension?
Check that the extension no. you entered at the login page is the same as the extension no. displayed on your phone.
If you have more than one phone then make certain you check the one which is used with Noojee's PBX. Remember one of them may be a softphone!
If you accidentially 'Steal' someone elses extension you may cause their current call to be hungup and you will not recieve calls intended for you.
Did you just move desks? (Hot Desking)
If you have just swapped desks, then this message is to be expected. Just check that you have entered the correct extension no. for the phone on your new desk before proceeding.
If you are uncertain how to proceed then don't!
Instead ask your supervisor or a colleague.
What is a Softphone?
A softphone is a software application that runs on your computer and acts like a normal telephone. A softphone will usually have a USB headset which plugs into your computer.