Queue Expert

Queue Expert

This Tab contains settings that can seriously damage how calls are processed. A number of these settings have unexpected side affects which may cause other settings to become inoperable.

Basically if you don't know exactly what you are doing then please close this tab now :D


Ring In Use

Similar to call waiting in that if an Agent is on a queued call and another call arrives in the Queue then the Queue can try to deliver the second call whilst the agent is still on the first call.

We do not recommend you use this feature.

Max. Queue LengthControls the maxiumum no. of calls that can be held in the Queue. When this no. is reach additional calls will be rejected and passed to the next Route Step. If there are no further route steps then the call will be hung up.
Auto UnpauseOnly suitable for small call centres due to the load this can impose on the system. Auto unpuase will automatically unpause an Agent that was previously Auto Paused (by missing a call).
Short Unpause delayWhen Auto Unpause is enabled the Short Unpause Delay is the time (in seconds) from when the Agent was first paused.
Long Unpause delayIf agent is Auto Paused a second time after being Auto Unpaused then the system will wait Long Pause Delay seconds before attempting to Auto Unpause the Agent a second time. After the Agent successfully takes a call the system will be reset and the Short Unpause delay will be used at the next Auto Pause.
ContextThe Context to play calls into if the caller uses the 'Exit with Key' option.

A Message to play to the Agent when they answer the call but before the call is connected to the Agent.

This allows you to deliver a message to the Agent that may be pertanent such as the name of the Queue the call is being taken from.

The Message must be uploaded using the Business Message Manager.

Whisper Hold TimeWhen enabled the amount of time the caller has been waiting in the queue will be played to the Agent when the Agent answers the call but before the caller is connected to the Agent.