25.0 API Action Script

25.0 API Action Script

Noojee Admin provides the ability to extend the core PBX via Action Scripts. The Noojee API includes a method to directly call a special type of Action Script called an 'Api Action Script'

By calling an Api Action script you can trigger a route or call any of the exposed Action Script APIs.

The Api Action Script method accepts the name of script to run and a single argument which is passed to the action script as a string.

Entry point:

https://<server host>/servicemanager/rest/ActionScriptAPI/InvokeScript?scriptName<script name>&args=<some url encoded args>&apiKey=<your api key>


scriptNameThe name of the API Action Script that is to be executed.
argsA string which is passed to the named action script as an argument for that script. If you appropriately encode the value (such as a json string) you can pass multiple arguments. Are are however responsible for decode and extracting the individual arguments from the string value.
apiKeyapi key provided by Noojee Support

Curl Example

curl "https://<server host>/servicemanager/rest/ActionScriptAPI/InvokeScript?scriptName=testApiAction&args=my%20arg&apiKey=f863246a-xxxxx"

Sample success response:

result: ""
code: 0
message: "OK"