25.0 API Action Script
25.0 API Action Script
Noojee Admin provides the ability to extend the core PBX via Action Scripts. The Noojee API includes a method to directly call a special type of Action Script called an 'Api Action Script'
By calling an Api Action script you can trigger a route or call any of the exposed Action Script APIs.
The Api Action Script method accepts the name of script to run and a single argument which is passed to the action script as a string.
Entry point:
https://<server host>/servicemanager/rest/ActionScriptAPI/InvokeScript?scriptName<script name>&args=<some url encoded args>&apiKey=<your api key>
Parameter | Description |
scriptName | The name of the API Action Script that is to be executed. |
args | A string which is passed to the named action script as an argument for that script. If you appropriately encode the value (such as a json string) you can pass multiple arguments. Are are however responsible for decode and extracting the individual arguments from the string value. |
apiKey | api key provided by Noojee Support |
Curl Example
curl "https://<server host>/servicemanager/rest/ActionScriptAPI/InvokeScript?scriptName=testApiAction&args=my%20arg&apiKey=f863246a-xxxxx"
Sample success response:
{ result: "" code: 0 message: "OK" }