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Templates allow you to define standard shifts that an agent receives.

Often you will have a least one group of agents that are regulars and get regular shifts.

Templates allow you to define their standard shifts. Once you have defined your teams standard shifts, via Templates, the Roster 'Auto Fill Roster' feature is able to almost instantly layout a roster based on the defined Templates.

For regular Agents the 'Auto Fill Roster' function significantly reduces the time it takes to roster staff each week.

Creating Templates

You can create templates from the Agent  Management screen or you can directly create a template from a shift on the 'Roster' screen by right clicking on an existing shift and selecting 'Create Template'.

We recommend that you use the 'Create Template' method when first setting up a regular Roster. See the getting start guide for an overview.

See the page on Recurring Schedules for details on setting up the time periods for Rosters.

Availability vs Preferences vs Templates

An Agent Preference describes when an agent would prefer to work.

An Agent Availability describes when they are prepared to make themselves available if you really needed them.

An Agent Template describes a standard shift that you give to the agent on a regular basis.

Generally an Availability describes a greater range of time than a Preference and Preferences a greater range than a Template.

When to use

Everyone should use Templates.