OpenVPN client on Windows

OpenVPN client on Windows

Download OpenVPN

At the time of writing, the latest version is OpenVPN 2.3.0. You should probably check the open vpn site for more recent updates at:


To install open vpn first check whether you are running 32bit or 64bit version of windows by following these instructions:


Once you have determine the version of windows you can down load the appropriate version of open vpn.

For 32bit windows use:


For 64bit windows use:


Install OpenVPN

Once the open vpn has completed its download run the executable file you just downloaded.

Follow the instructions in the wizard to install the software.

At the "Choose Components" step, make sure all components are selected.

Configure OpenVPN

You will have received certificate and key files from Noojee. The files will normally be contained within a zip file so you will first need to extract the files from the supplied zip file.

The files contained in the zip file will be:

  • <xxx>openvpn.cnf
  • ca.crt
  • <xxx>.crt
  • <xxx>.key

Where <xxx> is replaced with the extension no. of the phone the keys are to be used with.

The above files need to be extracted from the zip file into either:

C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\config 


C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config.

Launch OpenVPN

Note: we no longer support Windows XP and you should not be using it!! Microsoft are no longer issuing security patches which means that anyone can steal all your information on the PC running Windows XP and proably all of the other computers you have in you network.

You must run OpenVPN using an administrator account so:

Right click on the OpenVPN icon and choose "Run as administrator".

OpenVPN will start and run as a icon tray (bottom right hand corner of your screen). Find this icon, right click on it and choose "Connect".

The connection dialog will show diagnostic messages. Once connected, this window will hide itself, and a pop up will inform you that the connection has been made to the VPN.

Note: you must start OpenVPN each day before you start your softphone.

Sample ovpn config file:

At the bottom of this page you will see a sample noojee.opvn file attached.

If you use the sample noojee.opvn file it does need some modifications before you deploy the file.

1) Find the line similar to and replace yourserver with the actual host name.

remote yourserver.clouddialer.com.au 1194

2) Find the following line:

cert extn999.crt

Now repalce extn999.crt with the actual name of your crt file.

3) Find the following line:

key extn999.key

Now repalce extn999.key with the actual name of your key file.

Configure Softphone

You need to reconfigure the softphones account so the domain uses the openvpn servers ip address.

If you have used all of the default settings when installing the openvpn server then the requried ip address will be:

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