Field Glossary

Field Glossary

The following are definitions that we use within the reports, PBX's and technical documentation.

Inbound Definitions

Field Definition New Definition
Abandoned The number of calls where the caller hung up a call before it is answered.  
Abandoned After The number of calls that where abandoned after the queues defined service level.  
Adherence %

The amount of time the agent spent logged in during their allocated 'shift' expressed as a percentage of the time their were logged in and not paused (excluding scheduled breaks and non-scheduled work breaks).

(Actual time spent logged in - nonwork breaks) / (scheduled logged in time).

Note: only the period of time logged 'during' the scheduled login time is considered. If an agent logs in early or logs out late this is excluided (as its non-scheduled). If an agent is leaves for a break early or arrives back late then these periods are also excluded as they were unscheduled.

Agent Wait Time The total time that an agent has spent waiting for calls. To be 'waiting' for a call an agent must be logged in to the syste, not paused and not on a call nor in wrap nor extended wrap.  
Answered Calls % The number of calls successfully answered as a percentage of the total calls received.  
Available The duration the agent was available to take calls which is calculated as Agent Wait Time + Talk Time + Wrap time + Extended Wrap Time  
Available % The time an agent is 'Available' expressed as a percentage of their 'logged in' time.  
Call Duration The total duration of the call from when the call entered the queue until the call was hungup.  
Call Entry Time The date/time at which the call entered the queue.  
Call End Time The date/time at which the call was hungup.  
Calls in queue The current number of calls in a queue  
Call Time identical to Talk Time Will be relabeled 'Talk Time'.
Exit With Key

The number of calls that  exited the queue by selecting special queue option such as 'Press 0 to exit and leave a message'

The Exit with Key option is controled from the Queue Advanced section.

Extended Wrap Noojee differentiates between Wrap and Extended Wrap. Wrap is a fixed (minimum) period of time that an agent is given after any inbound call before the next inbound call will be delivered.  Extended Wrap (if enabled) allows the Agent to control when the wrap period ends rather than the wrap period being fixed. In many call centres the amount of work done after each call is extremely variable so a fixed wrap period is not viable.  
Handling time Talk Time + Wrap Time + Extended Wrap Time  
Hangup Cause The reason the call was hangup. Possible values are Agent, Caller, Abandoned or Transfer.  
Logged In Time The total time the agent spent logged into a queue even if the agent is paused.  
Occupancy Total handling time / logged in time  
Open Time The total time an agent was logged into the queue and not in a paused state.  
Outbound call count The number of outbound calls made by the agent.  
Outbound call time The total time the agent spent on outbound calls  
 Oldest Call

The duration that the oldest call currently in the queue has been waiting.

Pause time

The total time the agent spent in the 'pause' state. A paused agent is an agent that is logged into a queue but has marked themselves as 'pause'. A queue will not attempt to deliver any calls to a paused agent.

This is sometimes referred to as 'unavailable' time.

Queue position at disconnection The callers postion in queue at the point they abandoned the call.  
Ring Duration The total time the call rang on one or more agent's extension before being answered. This does not include the time the caller spent waiting in the queue.  
Service Level or Service Level Agreement (SLA) The desired amount of time within which every call should be answered.  
Service Level Performance (Grade of Service) The percentage of calls that where answered or abandoned within the defined service level for the queue. e.g. if all calls are answered or abandoned within the service level then the SLA Performance would be 100%.  

System Time

The time between the first call the agent makes or takes and the last call the agent makes or takes for the period.

This field will be dropped and replaced with 'Logged In Time' as Logged In Time provides a more useful definition.

Talk Time The time the agent spent talking.  
Timeout  The number of calls that left the queue as the call exceeded the queues timeout period.  
Total Time The time between the first call the agent makes or takes and the last call the agent makes or takes for the period.

As this field is identical to 'Logged In Time' it will be removed or replaced with 'Logged In Time'.

Transfer Count

The number of queue calls that where transfered by the agent to a third party.

Note: handset side transfers are not visible to the system.

Wait Time The total time from when the call entered the queue until the call was answered.



Wait time before disconnection The amount of time the caller waited in the queue before abandoning the call.  
Work time The total time the agent was available to take a call which is defined as the period between the first call of the day and the last call of the day (that they take), less any time they spent on the phone.

This will be renamed to 'Idle'. The definition will also be change to be:

The total time the agent was available to take calls. This is defined as the period between when they first login to the queue system and the last logout of the queue system, less any pause times, logout times, time spent on the phone and wrap time.
Wrap Time The amount of time an agent gets to finalize details about the last
call before the queue will send another call to an agent. Wrap time is honoured across queues.

Outbound Definitions

Field Definition Comment
Connected Calls The number of calls an agent was connected to.  
Dial Attempts The number of dial attempts made during the campaign. This includes connected calls, disconnected, enaged etc. For a pooled dial this number is not available on a per agent basis.
Dial Time Time spent waiting for a call to be dialed and answered. Excludes Preview and Wrap times.
Dialer Time Time agent spent in the dialer screen.  
Extended Wrap Time Time system spent waiting for the agent to complete wrap beyound the allowed wrap time. This does not include the time spent on the allocation selection screen or the Stop Code screen.
Penetration % of allocated leads that been penetrated.  
Preview Time Time spent previewing leads This is not available for multi, pooled or predictive dialers.
RPC The number of Right Persons Contacted  
Spin Average number of calls taken to contact the RPC (Right Person Contact)  
Talk Time Time spent on a call from when it was connected until the agent hangs up the call. This does not include the Dial Time.
Wrap Time
Time agent spent in wrap includes Extended Wrap Time

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